Old school

8 PAX showed up at KiMS to enjoy a workout filled with some familiar oldschool exercises.


Magic, Olaf, Drydock, JarJar, Yellow Belt, Cowboy, Buckey, Grissom -Q


SSH, Arm Circles, Imperial Walkers, Mericans, Mountain Climbers, LBCs, Flutters


10,20,30s -declines, inclines, stepups

loop the planter in push-up position (is there a name for that?) while partner loops the school, flapjack

mosey to small parking lot for forward crabwalk and bearcrawl, flapjack to backwards crabwalk and crawbear.

mosey to tennis courts for a suicide with 2,4,6,8 squats at the lines.  While on the courts, 30 seconds of balls to the wall.

mosey and run a Route 66 with hand release mericans.

run up and down stair.

run down stair, line up, release PAX after doing the number of mericans associated with their number in line, run up stair stopping at each landing to do a squat.  Finish at top with mericans.

slosey back to the school for flutters and LBCs.


Buckey has info on several Tough events in Sept and Oct.

Grissom reminded everyone of the Base to Space event in Sept.


Every bad day still has some good in it.  Find it, embrace it and share it.


F3Dads: 2.0 KidsVergence at KMS: The Happening

BackBlast from the 2.0 ‘Happening” on June 16th:  Hey, when you have *86* dads and their 2.0’s show up for a pre-Father’s Day KidsVergence workout, what else can you call it?

Pax:  Too numerous too mention (check out COT posted on our FB site by Dilfer/Swanson ):  Kramer (Q), Elroy (faithful assistant)

Warmup:  SSH, Merkins

The Happening:

  • Catch Me if You Can: Kramer leads the masses to the track for a vigorous lap:  Dads run backwards while kids wait and count their age(s).  Kids then run to catch up with the dads, then make them do an exercise of their choice
  • Football field exercises : Work our way across and back doing wheel barrows,  Swedish planks, piggy backs, bear crawls, squats
  • Burpee master class: Kramer and Elroy demonstrate how a burpee is done properly, with bonus demo of the BRO-pee
  • Water break!
  • Mosey to ball field next door
  • Split the crowd into to groups: younger kids and aged 10+
  • Freeze tag: kids and dads alternately being “it”.  Need to do an assigned exercise to unfreeze yourself
  • Soccer
  • COT
  • Name-o-rama:  Dads consulted within their immediate clan for a moment, and then we did a full round of name-o-rama, announcing their 2.0’s F3 names, dedicated and honest – awesome!

Thank you all for allowing us the honor to lead this 2.0 event.  Next year must certainly step it up, as we are very likely looking at 100+!!

Have a great Fathers’ Day and summer all you bad ass F3Dads!

Tire Experiment – part trois

Tires are bad ass

Heritage Park Backblast:  19 macho, mucho chesto HIMs crushed the third iteration of the Tire Experiment.


Pax: Alexa, Guero, Adrian, Bob, Falcon, Schnitzel, The Dude, AC/DC, Sleepless, Bam Bam, Jemaine, Kramer, The Hoff, AP, Swinger, Putt-Putt, Romo (FNG), Elroy (Q)


Warmup: Stretches, SSH, Mt Climbers, Mucho Chestos Pyramidios

The Tire Thang

* Swedish Tire Mile:  Teams of 4-6 run back and forth across the park (leg warm up – word, Alexa!):  Each team get 2 tires. Sprinter from back carries a tire forward and passes it back.

* Meter Sprint Pyramids, 5 diamond merkins after each sprint
* Out & Backs with Tires I
** Teams of 3: P1 runs out with tire over head and bangs out 3 tire burpees while P2-3 hand slap merkins, rotate
** P1 does tire squat-to-press while P2-3 run out and bang out 3 BRO-pees, rotate

<<Mosey to tennis courts>>

* Out & Backs with Tires II
** Group 1 wall sits against fence holding tires out, while group 2 bear crawls up nearby hill, rotate
** Group 1 wall sits against fence holding tires out, while group 2 crawl bears up nearby hill, rotate
** Group 1 balls-to-wall against fence while group 2 runs out to nearby hill with tires overhead to bang out 3 tire burpees, rotate

* Swedish Tire Mile back to start

* 25.50.25 Meter Sprint Pyramids

* 4 MOM:  Flutters and LBCs, slow & fast cadence



Too much to list here, see full list at F3PugetSound.Com or the F3PS facebook group page


It’s Fathers’ Day, reach out to your dad and thank him for all he’s done for you.  Elroy related a story about his dad’s struggles early in life, with Elroy not appreciating it when he was younger.  Now, with older kids of his own, life has come full circle, and he sees his father for the man he his and the sacrifices he made for his family.

Thank you for allowing me to lead today, gentlemen.  Go out and be bad ass fathers!

PB&J at Chainline


Sky net
Pink slip
Kramer (Q)

I got the job at the last minute  so first ever totally unplanned Q! Does anyone know how to have this not double space everything pasted in it is driving me crazy!

The Thang:


Sumo squats

Imperial Walkers


Bropees x 5


Mosey to the Google park

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

15 box jumps

Jack Webb

Lt, Dan with jumping lunges

Jog down the hill. Pause half way for:

Screw your buddies: 2 people call exercise to the rest of the group, then run / bear crawl up hill, while rest do exercise.

Run down to lake.

Captain Thor. Skynet learns a valuable lesson about checking for goose dropping before starting excercise.

Burn-ie Sanders – running backwards up mini hill 5 times, then forward back down.

5 burpees on the dock

HIT: 30 second sprints along lake, then back. X 2.

Swedish mile up the hill.

Some Mary:

freddy mercury

Beers were enjoyed. Celebrity sighting of WOLF who was rucking by and stopped to chat for a few.



One Lap at WHS

6 men gathered in the damp gloom at Woodinville High School this morning to start their day with a win.

The PAX: Goats, Hurley, Xbox, Mifflin, Salsa, SPAM (Q).


  • Broad jump the moat that had formed around the field
  • Good Mornings, Cotton Pickers, Windmills
  • Broad jump the moat again and Mosey to the low SW corner of WHS

The Lap:

  • Catch-me-if-you-can with 3x Merkins + 3x Mountain climbers up the hill to the big gate.
  • Negative (backwards) mosey to the high trail
  • Partner up for out and back:
    • P1 AYG run up the path and mosey back
    • P2 AMRAP Jack Webb
  • Flapjack/repeato with Lt. Dans and Captain Thors.
  • Mosey to the parking lot, Pax holds an Al Gore while each pax performs 5 sumo squats.
  • Mosey to stairs by the flag poles for 1 Jacob’s Ladder: merkins over squats.
  • Mosey to Bear Crawl Canyon: bear crawl the canyon, crawl bear back to the six and finish as a group.
  • Mosey to the cafeteria pavilion for 10-20-30-40, 40-30-20-10:  10 box jumps, 20 Diamond Incline Merkins, 30 step ups, 40 OH Claps, 40 step ups, 30 box jumps (yes!),  20 OH claps, 10 Diamond Incline Merkins.
  • Mosey to CoT for Flower (aka Bring Sally UP/DOWN) with merkins.


Xbox is super pumped for Incredibles 2 opening day tomorrow, YHC’s kids are PUMPED for Kidvergence 2.0 workout Saturday at 9am KiMS–Kramer on the Q, CSAUPs coming at the end of summer: Tough Mudder September, Custom GoRuck Tough October 19th.

WoW: Opponent.  Who is your opponent that you train to defeat?

Once in a while, we face extreme challenges that require great courage and strength to overcome–big moments.  With training we will be ready for those.

But the fact is that our most important battles to win are the very small ones that we must win every day, hour by hour, putting one foot in front of the other in the good habits we form and choosing not to diverge into the bad habits we are trying to beat.  These are the toughest challenges because they don’t end–and won’t ever end.  When I wrestled in high school, I knew my opponent’s name and it motivated me everyday in the wrestling room to think how hard he was training to beat me–I made sure I trained harder.

Name your opponent, and when you train, train with them in mind: laziness, gluttony, pride, lust, lack of focus, apathy, whatever they are, train to defeat them.  I think it is important to understand it is not “you” but an adversary you are trying to overcome.  It is a long war we all are in–and it is no exaggeration to say our lives, our marriages, and our families are at stake–comprised of daily battles–look to your brothers in F3 or elsewhere if you have them and encourage them.  Be encouraged by each other.

Win today.


MOHAI Backblast June 14th 2018-APFT

The MOHAI regulars fartsacked and hid like little girls when confronted with the challenge of testing their fitness with an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).

PAX: Meetup, Worthington (Q)

Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Walking lunges, running high knees, running butt kickers


2-mile timed run: Meet up CRUSHED it with a 13:39 and I was the six with a 14:24…

2 minutes AMRAP Pushups

2 minutes AMRAP Sit Ups

30 count step ups, 20 count dips then mosey for 6 MOM.

6MOM: obliques, russian twists, flutters, slow bicycles and WW1’s.

Quotes for the Day: “If you want to be a faster runner, run with faster men…”- Jason Silverstein- OG F3PNW Nantan

I was disappointed in my score, let down by a weak showing on my part on the sit-ups and push ups, I vow to do better!

Space Needle

Yon Pax

8 specimen posted to the needle this morning under the questionable guidance of the Q, Squid.

Sun Devil, Kojak, Wooley Bugger, Hurley, La Fleur, Cheesey Poufe (probably “poof” but he didn’t specify, and I imagine this is how La Fleur might spell it) visiting us out of VA, Waxy, and Squid.

Everyone wore yoga pants and headbands as instructed. Then, it got aerobic.

The thingymabob:

  • SSH
  • LBC
  • Flutters
  • Criss-cross scissor core workout
  • Mosey to the stage
  • Pair up. Run to the other end of the stage and do a downwards ladder of burpees starting at ten. While one runs, the other stays and does amrap squats.
  • Mosey to upper courtyard above the fountain.
  • New pairs, same exercise as above, sub lunges for squats.
  • Mosey to the lower courtyard by the large steps.
  • New pairs, same exercise as above, sub step-ups for lunges. For time considerations, we did 10 through 6 instead of all the way to zero.



  • Upcoming events: Worthington weekend, base to space, Goruck in August, Goruck custom (F3 only) in October.
  • Now officially compiling a list of folks interested in F3 team scuba for a tentative open water certification class in Sept. Reach out to Squid (Layton Miller on facebook) if you are even tentatively interested. If you’re not interested, reach out anyways and he’ll convince you.
  • Still running third F on the east side on Saturday mornings over at Starbucks. If you have further questions, contact Kojak.

Look around you to find leaders that you know are successful at being leaders, and try to figure out what it is that makes them successful. Carry that with you and observe those around you to try to see if you can learn from their examples.

A.D.D. at the K.M.S.

.18 men came out for a surprising dry morning that then turned into a surprisingly wet morning.

The PAX:

  1. Fifth wheel
  2. Mash
  3. Gift box
  4. Spam
  5. AC/DC
  6. Tardy
  7. Bam Bam
  8. Jar Jar
  9. Drama
  10. Jemaine
  11. Spotlight
  12. Gilligan
  13. FSBO
  14. Guero
  15. Buckeye
  16. Schnitzel
  17. Singlet
  18. Kramer (Q)

The Thang:



Sumo squats

Imperial Walkers

Arm circles

Bropees x 5


Mosey to front of school

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

15 box jumps

Mosey back

Jack Webb  1×4…5×20 and back down.

Screw your buddies: 4 people call exercise to the rest of the group, then run / bear crawl up hill, while rest do exercise. Mash started us out by calling jillian michaels. Bad Mash!


Red bearchetta

Rain starts…gentle at first.

Lt. Dan (1 squat:4 jumping lunges, 2:8 etc). Much enthusiasm for the jumping lunge mod.

Mosey to start of track. Rain really coming down now. 

Catch me if you can w / 3 burpees 1 lap. 

Mosey back

Some Mary:

  • Captain Thor
  • freddy mercury
  • flutter
  • 50 LBCs

Annoucements: 2.0 workout convergence at KMS at 9am, bring your kids!  Custom ruck coming up, check facebook or ping Buckeye, sign up soon!

Camping trip, check with Guero.

Words: Show up and lead. Kramer volunteering in school today to teach Junior Achievement – terrifying but will be a great experience!


Thanks for coming out.

  • Kramer


11 PAX got after it Monday @ MOHAI for Hurley’s VQ: Squid, Scrum, Squid, Wooly Bugger, Meetup, Kojak, SPAM, Bangkok, LaFleur, 529’er, Hurley (Q)


10 count each: SSH, cotton pickers, windmills, merkins, arm circles, and imperial walkers

The Thang:

Deck of cards: Each card was an exercise and we were playing against time.

Hearts = burpees
Diamonds = mercans
Clubs = squats
Spades = abs

Each number = number of reps. Each guy was given a number and was in charge of calling a variation when that number was pulled.

Aces = AMRAP of the exercise for one minute

Jacks = a game of tag with the winner picking 10 reps of an exercise

Queens = partner carry across the parking lot

Kings = four corners with 5 reps of the exercise at each corner

We made it through only 38 cards


– 2.0 workout at 0900 @ KiMS this coming Saturday. All regular workouts are ON.

8/17GoRuck Star Course 50 Miler

9/22Tough Mudder

10/19Custom GoRuck Tough for F3. Sign up via link: https://www.goruck.com/event-14722/


It’s never too late to start making changes to make yourself better.

18 PAX @ start. 19 PAX @ end.

19 PAX got after it Saturday @ Gasworks: Journey, Big City, The Natural, FNG TKO (EH’d in motion by Dunder!), FNG Rasta, FNG Mellencamp, Dunder, Mifflin, Bangkok, LaFleur, 5 mil, Hurley, Waxie, Sun Devil, Dive Bar, Applebee, Schrempf, Husker, 529’er (Q)


Mosey to top of the hill. SSH, LBC fast cadence x 100, squats

The Thang:

– 4 teams. 4 weights (punching bag, 40lb. sandbag, 30lb. ruck plate, 40lb. ruck plate).

– One person from each team carries weight overhead down the hill to the bench & back (100M-ish each way). Rest of the team does AMRAP exercises (WWI, Hand release merkins, regular merkins, sumo squats).

– Walking lunges from top of hill to parking lot

– 10 decline merkins / 20 incline merkins / 30 dips

– Mosey to path 1/2 way up the hill, then backwards bear crawl to top.

– Fast cadence LBC x 100

– Sprinkled throughout the workout to this point were about 60 burpees OYO.


– Inchworm plank up merkins x 5

– Fast cadence LBC x 100


– Hurley VQ on 6/11 @ MOHAI. Get some!

8/17GoRuck Star Course 50 Miler

9/22Tough Mudder

10/19 Custom GoRuck Tough for F3. Sign up via link: https://www.goruck.com/event-14722/


We can do a lot more together than we can do on our own. This is a great AO with a great vibe and a great PAX. Bangkok is going to kill it here as Site Q! Props to Dunder for EHing TKO while doing WWI sit ups on the top of the hill.