Woodinville – Red inspired in honor of F3 Badger

8 Hims (many wearing something red in honor of F3 Badger)  posted on an overcast somewhat balmy morning for Woodinville!

PAX: Brady, Dry Dock, Goats, Hollywood, Hurley, Spam, XBox, Salsa (Q)

10 each of [SSH, Arm Circles: (Forward Small, Backward Small Forward Large, Backward Large), Merkins, Squats]

The Thang:
Mosey to football field. Many including myself were delightfully surprised by the toys on the playground (football and large tires)… So as a result being Q I decided to start off the next exercise with a Swedish Mile (running initially down the football field and then we transitioned to the track with the addition of the following: The person in the back runs up to the front with a football and then ‘tosses’ the football to the person behind them and then the next HIM in line does the same until it gets to the last person who then runs up front, eventually all 8 HIMs get the opportunity to do so. However, if anybody drops the football everyone drops and does 3 Burpees. If the football is dropped again, everyone does 6 Burpees, etc. etc.!!! Ball was dropped twice, so we each ended up doing 9 total….ha ha! Now I won’t say exactly which HIMs dropped the ball, but one’s name rhymes with Ham… and the other one rhymes with Fox… J

Next in honor of wearing red for our fallen brother F3 Badger, we did a Red Barchetta: Run 100 yards – 100 SSH – run back, run 75 yards – 75 Mountain Climbers then run back, run 50 yards – 50 LBCs – then run back, run 25 yards – 25 Merkins – then run back, run 10 yards – 10 Burpees – then run back, run 5 yards – 5 Jillian Michaels – then run back – Done.

After 10 count…and then the entire PAX each doing 9 Burpees each since the Q was trying to figure out what to do next (oi!)… we broke up into 4 groups of 2 HIMs and each group went to one of the 4 large tires on the field. For two rounds: Each round one HIM did 10 GHD situps while the other HIM did burpees, then Flip-Flop and Repeato.

Mosey to the covered area by the outside stairwell…seeing that the stairwell was wide enough for 2 HIMs to go up simultaneously and it had 3 landings, we broke up into 4 groups of 2. While one group of HIMs would go up the entire stairwell and then back down the first time, the remaining 6 HIMs will hold a seated chair position against the wall. Then on their 2nd time up and down, the remaining 6 HIMs will hold a Balls-to-the-Wall position, we did this 3 more times so all groups get to share in the experience! Of course leave it to those HIMs whose names rhyme with Ham and Fox to take their time up, then they get inspired to do 5 burpees at top? Then take their time down and then repeat….Oh my, my shoulders were burning on that 2nd time (thanks, I think!) LOL

With only 9 minutes left, using the outside stairwell as our cadence, each HIM got the chance to go up and down individually while the other would do an exercise called out by the ascending HIM…

1 Box Cutters
2 Flutters
3 Slow Bicycle Situps
4 World War Ones (then one HIM was inspired to add on a ‘Gas Attack’! ha ha)
5 Sumo Squats
6 ???
7 ???
8 Plank, Right Hand Up, Left Hand Up, Plank

–       Kenmore Log Boom Park tomorrow 5:30am – Opportunity to start earning one of the new patches to be offered for F3 PAX soon.
–       PB&J on the Eastside tonight
–       Base to Top Space Needle event coming up soon
–       Q next week will be FSBO, Q in two weeks will be XBox

WoW: It’s easy to get pulled into work, thinking about what is coming due soon and down the road. Then before you know it, you are no longer in the NOW and you start getting distracted and losing your focus on potentially other things happening around at that moment, be aware it if possible.

KiMS Wednesday: Cinderblocks Rock!

13 men took 13 c

inderblocks for a walk around the block @ KiMS

Pax: SPAM, The Dude, AC/DC, Singlet, Spotlight, Guero, Schnitzel, Gift Box, Drama, FSBO, Miflin (left at Mary), Starlord, Dilfer (Q)


  • Head Rolls
  • Arm Circles
  • Windmills
  • Cotton Pickers

The Thang

Mosey to Shed & Get a Cinderblock

Mosey to Planters & Partner Up
  • P1 10-20-30 incline, decline, dips
  • P2 cinder lunges up hill, leave cinder at top, bear crawl down
  • FlapJack, but P1 Bear Crawls Up, cinder Lunges down with cinderblock
Mosey to the top of 5th Pl
  • P1 AMRAP Cinder-Snatches
  • P2 sprint to bottom of hill, 10 Merkins, sprint back
Mosey to Route 66 Entranced
  • At each tree we do 10 reps of cinder exercise corresponding with song “Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes”
  • Head: move cinder around head;
  • Shoulders: Cinder shoulder press
  • Knees: Cinder Squats
  • Toes: Cinderella’s (on back hold cinder straight above chest, straight leg lifts and touch toes to cinder
  • Knees: Cinder Sumos
  • Toes: Cinderellas
  • Air chair until 6 is in. The Dude and SPAM did Airchair with cinder in their lap… claimed that it helped balance weight out.
Mosey to shed
  • Put cinder on ground
  • Cinder-Moguls: jump laterally back and forth across cinder. Jump on cinder going each direction
  • Russian Jig (toe taps while leaning back on heals)
  • Cinder climbers (like Russian Jig, but weight on balls of feet)
  • Cinder-triceps
  • Put cinderblocks away behind shed
Mosey to Circle
  • Brotractor
  • Split Brotractor
  • Rosalitas
  • American Hammer
  • Superman (straight, left, right, loop, repeato x2)
  • Walk hands up to down dog
  • Carolina Dry socks
  • Plank
  • Low plank
  • Plank
  • Right hand up
  • Flapjack
  • Walk up to standing


  • Monday convergence for The Murph + Ultimate Football
  • June 2 (Saturday): NAMI 5k Walk 9am Kirkland Marina Park (by Zoka). Would be great to have F3 guys in F3 gear with flag. So many men suffer from depression and anxiety in silence, it would be great to show some numbers.
  • No cost.
  • June 16: 2.0 workout 9am KiMS after 7am workouts at normal A/Os
  • June 22: Richland retreat


Always be ready for anything. F3 helps us train our minds and bodies.

Thanks for the letting me lead you men this morning! It made my day.

MOHAI Monday: Infinity back and forths

13 PAX got after it Monday @ MOHAI: Gekko, Scrum, Stigmata, Scrum, Talent, Hurley, Squid, Wooly Bugger, Waxie, Bangkok, LaFleur, 529’er (Q)


SSH, Merkins, LBC fast cadence x 100, squats

The Thang:

– Sort into 5 teams of 2 and one team of 3.  Each team of 2 does 100 reps as a team. Team of 3 does 150 reps. One person runs 150M out and 150M back while other does AMRAP. Once completed, all teams sync up with the 6 and match their cadence until all clear.

– Exercises done: WWI, Hand release merkins, Carolina dry docks, star ups, sumo squats, step ups.


Low plank jacks


– Hurley VQ on 6/11 @ MOHAI. Get some!

– GoRuck Light 6/2 @ 2 pm. D-Day theme is going to be awesome.

– Convergence workout on Monday 5/28. 0700 @ Kirkland Middle School. Murph followed by ultimate football. Yes.


“The virtue of innovation seldom compensated for the vice of inadequacy.” – Garry Kasparov. Different does not necessarily mean better. Focus on getting better first.  Innovate only when necessary.

Greatest Grasslawn Heroes

10 men met in the gloom at Grasslawn.


FSBO, Jar-Jar, Gift Box, Bam-Bam, Xbox, Germaine, Guerro, Dilfer, Drama, Thrift Shop (Q)



SSH (20)

Merkins (15)

Squats (20)

Arm Circles: small forward and reverse (10 each), large forward and reverse (10 each)



Mosey to tennis courts for Dora 1-2-3

Teams of two perform 100 SSH, 200 Merkins, 300 sumo-squats. One man in each team performs reps of an exercise while his partner runs three courts and back. Repeato until the cumulative counts are reached.


Mosey to soccer field for 4 corners routine

PAX splits into three groups. Run to first corner and each man in the first group performs 10 burpees while the rest of the PAX does AMRAP squats. PAX runs together to second corner where second group performs burpees and the rest of the PAX does AMRAP squats. Repeato with third corner. At fourth corner, PAX performs 10 burpees in cadence.


Germaine led us in some ab work:

WWI situps (35)

“Germaine travel crunches” (20) — these are an exercise Germaine taught us: lie down with arms extended straight out on each side. Start with legs raised off the ground slightly. Move legs up to vertical and back down but not touching the ground. Keep back flat on the ground.

Xbox convinced us all we were superheroes with his great singing voice.  The PAX held Supermans while he sang “Walking on Air”


Pass Catchers (20)

Upstate Box Cutters (20)

Rosalitas (20)

Low Plank (20 count)



Q thanked everyone in the PAX for being part of the F3 community, which is a great motivation to come to a workout each week.

Heritage Park Ass Whooping


Hollywood, Grissom, Buckeye, Magic, Goose and Singlet on Q



-Mtn climbers

-Asym/regular/diamond merkins

Warmup lap around the path. 

HIIT laps- AYG 200yds, jog the rest. AYG 100, jog 100, AYG 100, jog the rest.

5 burpees every 3rd light pole from the start all the way to the tennis courts.

Jog to Waverly. Bear crawl up Waverly, 5 Jilian Michaels every 5th bollard. 

Swedish run back to start for 13ish MOM- Inchworm in place, hinge, Freddie Mercury/Mercury FreddieHalf 

Jog 1/2 lap to cool down


-Memorial Day Murph convergence at KIMS  28 May at 0700

-2.0 workout 6 June at KIMS…time?

-Worthington’s weekend end of June

Powerful words from Goose about his daughter setting, achieving and exceeding a running goal. Something we all need to live by.

Bellevue Backblast

5 men and one 2.0 posted to Bellevue this morning for a tough workout! Everyone succeeded!

Pax: Dilfer, Deetro (2nd time out), Dialup, Spotlight, Blue, Fsbo, The Rock (Fsbo 2.0)

Warmup: SSH, Arm Circles, Windmills, Handslap Merkins, Bropees

The Thang:

  • Swedish Mile and last man drops to do 5 burpees. The walkway around the park is just shy of 0.5 miles. Two laps worked perfectly for 6 men to each get two burpee rounds.
  • Bear crawl up stairs, crawl bear down the stairs. 5 rounds. That was hard!
  • Captain Thor: 1 situp/4 hammers + 5 merkins, 2 SU,/8 hammers + 5 merkins, …7 SU+28 hammers + 5 merkins
  • Decline hand walk along the wall about 10 yards and back
  • 10/20/30 Decline merkins/boxjumps/dips x 2 rounds
  • Spicy Legs – 2 star spicy
    20 Sumo squats
    20 lunges each side
    20 bunny hops up 3 wall-steps 18″ high and down
    20 split jacks each side
    Repeat 2 times
  • 4 minutes of Mary with 50 flutter count and then brotractor


Fsbo shared the story of a friend that he learned yesterday, a 45 year old lady that escaped from Vietnam during the fall of Siagon in 1979. At 7 years old she was made to look like a boy to protect her from assault, and put on a boat with her brothers by her parents. She didn’t know her parents weren’t going with them until they hugged them goodbye at the last minute and pushed them on the boat. The boat broke down, they were robbed 7 times by pirates, and towed to a refugee camp on an island by Malasian fisherman. She spent 6 months in the camp with very little to eat until the Canadian goverment approved her refugee status and she moved to Medicine Hat, Alberta (what a culture shock). Her brothers were sent elsewhere. She lived with a host family who were wonderful to her, but she also experienced a racism. Imagine 7 years old, separated from your family and living in cold northern canada. She was reunited with her brothers after 2 years. Her parents got out and the whole family was reunited after another 2 years. She now lives in Seattle, her parents and family in Vancouver Canada. She has seen the worst and the best side of human nature, make sure you are always on the best side! Our country is a better place for having immigrants like her.

The QuinquagenerianX2

28 high impact males (HIM) showed up for a workout distilled from 100 years of experience.
Pax: Jemaine & Elroy (co-Qs), Gekko, Legal Zoom, Lateral, Foley, Dunder, Simmons, Wolf, Blossom , Swinger , Talent, Jughead, Falcon, All Black, Maybe, Olaf , Guero, Kramer, Elron (FNG), AC/DC, Yellow Belt, Razor, Mile High, Body Shop, Subprime, Gilligan, Valdez
The thang:
  • Warm up IC : SSH, MC, Squats, Merkins, Maori Burpees
  • Tennis courts of death:
    • balls to wall hand walk short length of a tennis court (JV bear crawl)
    • then run long length of court between nets out and back, then continue with BTW hand walk on next court
    • 3 courts right then 3 courts left
    • PAX does burpees whenever waiting
  • >>Mosey to planters behind school for 10/20/30 derkins, dips, box jumps
  • >>Mosey down 18th Ave to Crestwoods parking lot
  • Sprint to gate, 10 WWI sit-ups then run back
  • Route 66 to Forbes Creek stairs:  Merkins 11 to 1
  • Down the stairs, wait for Pax, then run back up
  • >>Mosey to playground
  • 3 rotating groups: burpee Pull ups, dips, run to fence and back
  • >>Mosey back to track 
  • Catch me if you can using 3 burpees
  • 5MoM: brotractor, LBCs, flutter, Maori burpees!
– Memorial Day: 7am Murph workout then Ultimate Football
– 3rd weekend of June, F3 family weekend in Richland sponsored by Worthington
– Endurance and perseverance: thinking about our F3 brothers finishing a 50 mile ruck right now
– Jemaine shared some words of wisdom about how his firm rolled out some awareness training with a video discussing anxiety and mental health for teens. Let’s all be mindful of our families and the struggles members may be going through but not letting on about.

Have a stellar weekend! 👊

Sadclown for the M

PAX: 1 Xbox (Q)

Warmup: Jog around the building, Cotton Pickers, Merkins, Arm circles and flapjack

Thang: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1

  • 24″ Box jumps
  • 30″ Box jumps

  • Ab wheel (Cornhole bags for knee protection)

  • Abyss Merkins
  • x10 Single-unders

I ran a lap with the 30lb bag after each set.


  • 30 upright flutters balancing on my habds (thanks Blue)
  • 20 on my back flutters with hands up
  • 15 Rosalitas with hands up
  • 15 Dollies with hands up
  • 90 second low plank to finish up

WoW: Have a great weekend Kate. I love you even though my workout hurt.


Kirkland PB&J

8 guys showed up for a bit of cardio on a perfect evening in Kirkland

My legs are already hating me for pushing 2.8 miles of running into the workout, but too late now 🙂

The PAX: Razon, Boadie, Dunder, Goose, Hail, Skynet, Hail, Mifflin, Snip (q).

Warmup: SSH, Imperial walkers, Plank

Then on to the real thing:
Australian pull-ups, squats, WW1s (10, 9, 8 …) runs in between
Sideway Australians, LBCs, burpiees (1, 2, 3, …) runs in between

That was it – oh wait … beer 🙂

Log BOOM! 5/18

8 men got better on a beautiful morning at Log Boom.

PAX: Spam, Dingy, Seabass, 5th Wheel, Narwhal, Hurley, LaFleur, Dunder (Q)


*Warmup: SSH, Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Little Baby Arm Circles.

*Mosey West to long wall: Jacobs Scramble- Scramble over wall and up the hill, Sumo Squats at top and Merkins at bottom.

*Mosey West: Jack Webbs

*Mosey more West: 10 burpees

* Mosey East to Crows Nest: Capt Thor

*Mosey to dock: Red Lungechetta. That’s a long dock. 565 ft

*8 Days of Christmas: Burpees, Merkins, Leprochaun in the woods, sumo squats, LBC, SSH, Burpees, WW1.

2MoM: Flutters, Freddy Mercuries


Announcements: 2.0 Workout, Worthington Family Fun Extravaganza, Memorial Day workout.

Words: Nothing too profound this morning but I wanted to encourage guys to step up and Q their first workout.  You may not think you are ready but if you have been to a few workouts you can do it and you might actually like it.  Even I have progressed beyond keeping a list in my sock.