Kirkland PB&J

Sunny Thursday out at the Kirkland PB&J

The PAX (8/9):  Snip, Hail, Goose, Dunder, Bodie, Kramer, Indy, Mifflin (Q) + Tardy (Chainline)



Mosey – basketball court

10 box jumps, 40 step ups

Running Lines – Set 1: run half way across the court, 1 burpee and back, all the way, 1 burpee and back, 3 times.  Set 2: run half way across the court, 2 burpees and back, all the way, 2 burpees and back, 3 times.  Set 3: run half way across the court, 3 burpees and back, all the way, 3 burpees and back, 3 times.

Mosey – Google Grass

LBCs, Jack Web, Squats

Run – Down to the Lake stopping along the way for squats, hill sprints (neighbors were cheering us on from their deck), and more squats.

At the lake – 10/20/30 – Decline, Incline, Dips and flutter/brotrackor

Swedish uphill back to Chainline

Words: Hail shared a work story where their team had an emergency that needed to be fixed over the weekend.  Management immediately told people what went wrong, who was responsible, and how to fix the issue.  They missed getting feedback from the team, showing compassion, and understanding.  When you lead, it’s important start by focusing on people vs. the problem.