Woodinville 04 05 18 – Burpees over Burpees

6 guys got after it this morning in Woodinville.

The PAX: SPAM, Salsa, Dunder, Mifflin, Hurley, Hollywood (Q)

The Thang:

Warmup with SSH, cotton-pickers, then arms of pain – little baby arm circles forward and back, bigger circles forward and back, seal claps, arm raises, pretzels, then back to circles forward and back. I felt those in my shoulders, elbows, and arm area. They burned.  Finish the warmup with squats and sumo-squats.  Good….mosey to front parking lot to begin the workout.

Red Barchetta (AP-style): SSH, Mtn. climbers, LBCs, Merkins, Burpees…and Jillian Michaels thrown in the end for fun.

Swedish mile up the gradual hill to the highest parking lot. (Hurley rocked this section – that guys an inspiration.)

Once at the top, we looked all the way down the stretch of parking lot…and hit lunge walks the entire way.  Followed by 50 SSH OYO, followed by high-knees all the way back…that was impossible…we all had to modify to skipping at the end. Followed by 20 squats OYO.  (Feeling our legs and hips by this point.)

Mosey down to the flags for 10-20-30: Box Jumps, Step-ups, Dips.

Then had SPAM help me pick odd or even…the choice was odd…so we did not do crab walks. What we did instead was a Double Jacobs Ladder…that’s up both sets of stairs rather than just the lower section…with Burpees at the top, and Burpees at the bottom.  (Salsa did some math during this pearl…I counted up to, too damn many burpees.)  This one rocked the group. It was awesome.

Slow mosey back around the school, down the salmon ladder to CoT and WoW…finishing up with one (1) flutter. Done and Done.


Check out www.f3pugetsound.com for all Q sign-ups, backblasts, and location information.


Salsa reminded us to appreciate the little things in life.  Great words.

Next week: Salsa has the Q.


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