AMRAP-o-rama at Field 5

3 guys got after it on Field 5 on Friday. Slowly, we are getting the field back after the Hackathon.

PAX: Alexa, Schwinn (FNG), Thrift Shop (Q)

Warm-up: SSH (15), Merkins (15), Squats (15), Arm Circles, 1 lap around the fields

1. Two PAX perform AMRAP Incline Merkins while the third runs around the baseball diamond. All three take turns running.
2. Repeato with Dips as the exercise.
3. One HIM performs 10 Burpees while the other two perform AMRAP of an exercise. Take turns until all three have done Burpees twice. Exercises: Mountain Climbers (2 times), Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank Jacks, Merkins

6MOM: Flutters (15), New York Box Cutters (15), LBCs (30), Protractor

Words: Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. Alexa described a great philosophy for life — choosing the easy path usually ends with having a more difficult life eventually (skipping school, poor diet, etc), but choosing the more difficult path usually results in an easier life (pursuing education, going the “extra mile” at work, exercise, etc). Great words to live by!

Thanks to Alexa and Schwinn for sticking with me for the workout!

Big City and Me

PAX: Big City (FNG), Xbox (Q)

Two came together and got better this morning.  I was walking around at 0700 thinking to myself, wow!, gonna #SadClown this morning, until Big City came along and asked YHC if I was F3 – he asked as I was wearing gloves.  He even knew my nickname was Xbox by looking at the website before coming.  On it!

Warmup: Jog around the medium lap, 10 IC Cotton Pickers, 10 IC Windmills, 10 IC Merkins, 15 IC Arm circles forward and flapjack…..let’s do it!!

Thang: Started at the stairs and did a non-classic 10-20-30: 10 declines, 20 incline merkins, and 30 Sumo Squats.

Over to the hill.  Dora 1-2-3.  100 Merkins, 200 Squats, 300 LBCs with a run to the top of the hill.

Back to the parking lot for three rounds of 4 corners.  With 2, we did an alternative style: 20-15-10-5 repetitions.

  • Burpees
  • Lunges (20 & 5 forward, 15 & 10 backward)
  • Carolina Dry Docks

5 MoM: Flutters, Rosalitas, and Dollies with a short 6″ hold.


Gave Big City the F3 schpeel along the way.  He loved it.  I was very happy he came.

Big City’s M is about to have baby number 2 and has a 2 year old little girl.  He came to F3 looking for improvements to his cardio as he noticed in his last GoRuck Tough that was his weakness.  We did a lot of running today and he held in there.  YHC was worried the smoking may deter further posts, but Big City indicated he enjoyed the experience.  Whew!  It is true: men like to do hard things.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead.  Get better soon Kemp.  Thank you again Big City.  I absolutely got better with you this morning.

AMRAP with Wall-Ball

12, to include a FNG, came out this warm morning and got better.

PAX: Guero, Dial-up, DryDock, Spotlight, Gift box, Bam Bam, Drama, Dilfer, FNG Knockout, Germaine, FSBO, Xbox (Q)

Warmup: grab the wallball and head to the soccer field…ugh, locked…circled up for some IC SSHs, Merkins, Cotton Pickers, Windmills, and Arm circles to include flapjack…and the security guard showed up early to open the gate to the soccer field…woo hoo!!!!

Spotlight helped with some IC today…warm warming up for a VQ. 😎

Thang: Count off by 1s. Every one gets a chance with the wall ball.

Start with 4 corners. Home corner does 15 air wall balls while visitors do AMRAP exercises: lap 1, burpees, lap 2, forward lunges, lap 3, reverse lunges… with 12 PAX, all got a chance with the ball in three laps.

Dilfer gave us a 10 count.

Next we threw the wall ball over our head across the length of the field while the PAX did AMRAP 5 Diamond Merkins, 10 Jillian Michaels, 15 Yellow Hammers. This time #12, YHC, started and Guero, #1, finished. After the PAX got tired of JMs, YHC offered burpees as an alternative. In an effort to encourage PAX, YHC decided about half way through to start doing exercises together…IC.  Yes. IC JMs!!! A first time for most in the PAX.  We were running late, so we decided to plank it out while Guero finished his round of toss the ball.

Countorama, nameorama, name the FNG, announcements and then WoW.

WoW: Bam Bam encouraged us each to go out of our way to encourage someone today. YHC stepped it up and encouraged PAX to encourage 3 people today.

Thank you for the opportunity to lead, men. I look forward to hearing how you encouraged today.

1 lap in the rain

6 came to Bellevue and got better:

PAX: Dial-up, Dilfer, FNG Jughead, Blue, Spam, Xbox (Q)

Thanks to Blue, we had a couple sandbag options: 40 & 60lbs.

Warmup: Pick up the bags and mosey clockwise to the stairs. 10 IC Cotton Pickers, 5 Burpees, 10 IC Windmills, 5 Burpees, 15 IC Arm circles and flapjack.

Thang: We backed up just a wee bit to start at a bridge (you wouldn’t believe how many bridges go around this track). We broke into groups of three. One person grabs a sandbag and mosies to the next bridge while the other two exercise. We switched between leg, chest, abdominals, and burpees until we completed a full lap.

Luckily we completed right near the ramp. We paired up. 1s picked up the bags and ran up one side of the ramp and down the other while 2s and 3s did AMRAP 10 Merkins, 20 Sumo Squats, and 30 LBCs. 2s next and then 3s continuing AMRAP.

Now since one guy carried a light bag and one a heavy, we all needed another lap so everyone got opportunity to carry both. As YHC was thinking of what to do after 5 Burpees, Dilfer said nothing, so YHC agreed: AMRAP 5 Burpees this round.

Mosey to the stairs and dropped the bags. Next, we decided to do Jacob’s Ladder up the stairs and since Burpees were a hit, we did Jillian Michaels on top and Burpees on the bottom.

5 MoM: 20 IC Flutters, Rosalitas, and Dollies. 10 count by Spam and 10 count by Jughead. Still 1 minute to go, so we planned to the end.

Announcements: New workout in Kenmore on Fridays. Big day at Field 5 in Redmond: 5 FNGs with 11 total.

YHC gave Jughead the F3 schpeel. WoW: don’t be a #SadClown.

Always a privilege to lead you men.