It’s all Alexa’s fault: Chainline PB&J

11 men made it out despite Alexa’s sabotage efforts stealing our site Q’s and whatnot, and mostly non-regulars!

The Pax:

  1. Tardy
  2. Spotlight
  3. Hail
  4. Jemaine
  5. FNG Lamb Chop
  6. Sleepless
  7. Schnitzl
  8. Star Lord
  9. Ac DC
  10. Razr
  11. Kramer (Q)

Also – Bodhi sighting at the tail end finishing a run and stopped to say hi

Beautiful night, not too hot, moderate clouds, more running than usual…

The Thang:



Imperial Walkers


Bropees x 5

Bearcrawl to courts

Mosey to benches

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

Jack Webb  1×4…5×20 and back down. Much complaining.

Mosey to Everest park

Half Stadium stair run / half wall sit

various permutations of that including burpees

4 corners = Pax helpfully stepped in and called excercises, Schnitzel bringing the Gorilla Humpers to a new audience. 

A few random excercises while wandering around looking for the trail

Trail run

Lt Dan

Back to base

Only time for 10 WW1’s!

Thanks for letting me Q and your patience as we explored some new terrain!

Words: Lot of different guys in F3 -not a monoculture. If you want to find some friends to do a crazy athletic event, great, but also guys to catch a movie, have a beer, get together with kids, etc. Find your sub-groups and the more you put in the more you get out.

Beers and fun were had. Your Q was bought a beer for helping carry a stroller up the stairs. Good Karma!



Hat Trick at KMS

Beautiful warm morning at Kirkland Middle. I got to be Q for the third time in a row, new record for me!

The Pax:

  1. Gilligan
  2. The Dude
  3. Singlet
  4. Mifflin
  5. Cowboy
  6. Spotlight
  7. Bam bam
  8. Jemaine
  9. Guero
  10. Lateral
  11. Worthington
  12. Spam
  13. Hail
  14. AC / DC
  15. Kramer (Q)
Imperial Walkers
Sumo Squats
Mtn Climbers
arm circles
Bearcrawl to hill
Mosey to front
10/20/30 decline incline dips
15 box jumps
Mosey to courts for suicides
Mosey to Jack Webb
Mosey to Rt 66
down stairs
Maori Burpees courtesy of Jemaine
Up stairs
2x 5 pullups in pairs
mosey back
Captain Thor
50 LBCs
Freddy Mercury
Words: Community – Wolf mentioned to me after the F3 2.0 workout – 86 dads and kids showing up really felt like a strong community! More touchpoints you have the stronger it is whether it is different events or getting together outside of F3. Put in more and you get out more.
Thanks for letting me lead – great way to start the day. Who wants next week?

PB&J at Chainline


Sky net
Pink slip
Kramer (Q)

I got the job at the last minute  so first ever totally unplanned Q! Does anyone know how to have this not double space everything pasted in it is driving me crazy!

The Thang:


Sumo squats

Imperial Walkers


Bropees x 5


Mosey to the Google park

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

15 box jumps

Jack Webb

Lt, Dan with jumping lunges

Jog down the hill. Pause half way for:

Screw your buddies: 2 people call exercise to the rest of the group, then run / bear crawl up hill, while rest do exercise.

Run down to lake.

Captain Thor. Skynet learns a valuable lesson about checking for goose dropping before starting excercise.

Burn-ie Sanders – running backwards up mini hill 5 times, then forward back down.

5 burpees on the dock

HIT: 30 second sprints along lake, then back. X 2.

Swedish mile up the hill.

Some Mary:

freddy mercury

Beers were enjoyed. Celebrity sighting of WOLF who was rucking by and stopped to chat for a few.



A.D.D. at the K.M.S.

.18 men came out for a surprising dry morning that then turned into a surprisingly wet morning.

The PAX:

  1. Fifth wheel
  2. Mash
  3. Gift box
  4. Spam
  5. AC/DC
  6. Tardy
  7. Bam Bam
  8. Jar Jar
  9. Drama
  10. Jemaine
  11. Spotlight
  12. Gilligan
  13. FSBO
  14. Guero
  15. Buckeye
  16. Schnitzel
  17. Singlet
  18. Kramer (Q)

The Thang:



Sumo squats

Imperial Walkers

Arm circles

Bropees x 5


Mosey to front of school

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

15 box jumps

Mosey back

Jack Webb  1×4…5×20 and back down.

Screw your buddies: 4 people call exercise to the rest of the group, then run / bear crawl up hill, while rest do exercise. Mash started us out by calling jillian michaels. Bad Mash!


Red bearchetta

Rain starts…gentle at first.

Lt. Dan (1 squat:4 jumping lunges, 2:8 etc). Much enthusiasm for the jumping lunge mod.

Mosey to start of track. Rain really coming down now. 

Catch me if you can w / 3 burpees 1 lap. 

Mosey back

Some Mary:

  • Captain Thor
  • freddy mercury
  • flutter
  • 50 LBCs

Annoucements: 2.0 workout convergence at KMS at 9am, bring your kids!  Custom ruck coming up, check facebook or ping Buckeye, sign up soon!

Camping trip, check with Guero.

Words: Show up and lead. Kramer volunteering in school today to teach Junior Achievement – terrifying but will be a great experience!


Thanks for coming out.

  • Kramer


Nice morning at KiMS. A lucky 13 showed up..

The PAX:

  1. Giftbox
  2. Mash
  3. FNG Googly
  4. spotlight
  5. Alexa
  6. Drama
  7. Singlet
  8. Jermaine
  9. Gilligan
  10. Simmons
  11. Bam Bam
  12. Jar Jar
  13. Kramer (Q)

The Thang:



Sumo squats

Imperial Walkers


Bropees x 5


Bearcrawl to benches

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

Jack Webb  1×4…5×20 and back down.

HIT: Sprint 1/4, jog 3/4, Sprint 1/2, jog 1/2, spring 3/4, jog 1/4, sprint whole lap

Mosey to playground

Mini – murph: 2 x sets of 5 pullups, 10 merkins, 15 squats 

Mosey back

Captain Thor

Mary: freddy mercury, flutter, protractor

Words: F3 brothers going through challenges like chemo. Think about ways to help, and make sure your own life in order (insurance, physicals, will etc). Thanks for the opportunity to lead, great motivation to work out with you all.



KIMS 16May2018

I was doing mountain climbers in the middle of a brutal Red Bear-chetta wondering when it was going to end…when my alarm went off…

An auspicious 13 men brought it and braved slightly erratic counting from their Q this morning:

  • 5th Wheel (Second time out! Way to go!)
  • Hail
  • Jermaine
  • AC / DC
  • Spam
  • Fizbo
  • Guero
  • Schnitzel
  • Singlet
  • Dilfer
  • Gilligan
  • The Dude
  • Kramer (Q)

The Thang:


  • SSH
  • Sumo squats
  • Imperial Walkers
  • Gorilla humpers
  • Bropees x 5 (burpee with partner high-10)

Mosey to benches

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

15 box jumps

Jack Webb  1 merkin x4 air press…5×20 and back down.

Run to big field.  Red Bear-chetta  (100SSH, 75 mtn climber, 50 lbc, 25 merkin, 10 burpee)

mosey to Route 66 with Sumo squats

Stair run

10 Merkins to catch breath

Mosey back

Half squad run and bear crawl, other half WW1, flapjack

Half squad run and bear crawl, other plank jack, flapjack

1MOM: Flutters

Announcements: various activities coming up.  2.0 workout father’s day weekend (yes, daughters too), Memorial day Murph, Lardass Run (1k with donoughts every 250 feet?) reminders on new AOs like Heritage Park and Bellevue.  Off the books Friday Log Park – check with Spam. On the books Tuesday boxtrot at Lake Sammamish trail.

Words: Since Spotlight fartsacked I got to reuse my words from yesterday’s Q…the leadership part of F3 is really key – you don’t need to wait until you are the expert sometimes you just need to step up. I spent two years being coach for my daughters soccer  team since no one else had stepped up. Despite knowing nothing about soccer going in it was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life getting a bunch of 8 year olds to have fun and get better.  Got a card from one girl going on to the top team for her age in club soccer that she was thankful as I taught her everything she knows about soccer.  I learned everything from looking it up on the internet…

Thankful to all of you. Go out and get better. Live the dream! (see what I did there?)







Boxtrot Backblast 15May2018

5 men made it out for a nice 4 mile run along the river with lots of bald eagle sightings!

The PAX:

  • Kramer (Q)
  • Hollywood
  • Spotlight
  • Drydock
  • Xbox

Mumblechatter about various topics including upcoming Memorial Day Murph (, gettinng better at pull-ups, balancing workouts and recovery time, ramping up for races / faster times, making it to different AOs and more. Boxtrot is a great way to be able to enhance 2nd F for a 45 minute conversation while working out.

Words: Leadership often means just having the initiative to step up and do what needs to be done, no expertise necessarily required.