A Long Route 66 at the Needle 8-1

9 Pax crushed the Needle this morning: Gekko, Parker (NC), El Matador (Atlanta), Kojak, Wooly Bugger, Talent, Hurley, Dive Bar, 529’er (Q)

CoP: SSH, 2 min assorted plank ups

The Thang:

Route 66 on the Centerhouse Highway

  • Movements: Crabwalk
  • Exercise: Inchworm plank up merkins

Recovery Pause: Fast cadence LBC x 100

Partner up next to fountain. Partner 1 sprints up steep incline to edge of fountain and back x 2. Partner 2 AMRAP. Then switch.

Exercise 1: Merkins

Exercise 2: Slightly moist WWI’s

Crawl bear up the steep incline fountain at Divebar’s request.


Oblique crunches x 30 (each side)

Upstate box cutters x 30

Fast cadence LBC x 53


Stay motivated to grow. Benchmark your progress against yourself. Don’t worry about comparing yourself with others. That’s apples & oranges.

MOHAI 7/30 – Triple Q

10 PAX got after it Monday @ MOHAI: Gekko, Hurley, Worthington, Talent, Big City, Wooly Bugger, SPAM, Bangkok, LaFleur, 529’er (Q)


SSH, LBC fast cadence x 100

SPAM Q (10 min):

– BMW (Burpee, Merkin, WWI) 4 corners around MOHAI building. Reps at each corner: 5, 10, 15, 20.

529’er Q (10 min):

– Slowest Swedish Mile. PAX in single file line holding V-Up position. Crawl bear from back to front. Repeato for 8 min.

– Inchworm plank-up Merkins x 5 OYO

Recovery Fast Cadence LBCs x 100

Big City Q (10 min):

Partner up. Partner 1 does exercises, partner 2 holds plank. Switch.

– Exercise 1: 21/15/9 (21 merkins, 21 squats, 15 merkins, 15 squats, etc).

– Exercise 2: 30m lunge walk


Oblique crunch


– August 4th 3rd F workout @ Linus’s House. Support one of the most selfless and dedicated men in this country (not exaggerating). See FB or ping @gekko on Slack for details.

8/17GoRuck Star Course 50 Miler

9/22Tough Mudder

10/19Custom GoRuck Tough for F3. Sign up via link: https://www.goruck.com/event-14722/


LaFleur shared that the 3rd quarter is always the hardest. Tired, lost focus, no end in sight. Push through to the 4th quarter and it will get better!

Workout on the tiny field

3 awesome men joined me at Field 5 for a workout. We had to confine our workout to a small field of grass due to construction but we made the most of it!

PAX: Snip, Brady, Kobe, Thrift Shop (Q)

Warm-Up: SSH (20), Arm Circles, Squats (15),

Jack Webbs (run 50 yd and back, then 1 burpee + 4 air presses, repeat 4 times with each time increasing 1 burpee and 4 air presses, repeat 4 more times with each time decreasing by 1 burpee and 4 air presses)
4 Corners (PAX runs to the next corner of the field and performs 20 reps of an exercise)
— First circuit: Lunges, high-jump burpees, WW1s, 60 sec of tree-hugger squat
— Second circuit: Merkins, xxx, Kobe cobra-merkins, Carolina dry-docks

6MOM: flutters, protractor, box-cutters

Words: life is hectic and it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Ask for help if you need it.

Moleskin: Snip almost killed us with 20 high-jump burpees in the 4 corners (jeez, dude! :)). It was great to see Brady posting again after his stint in IR. He bragged about his ability to do finger-tip Merkins (rock on, guy!). Kobe, thanks for bringing your calm force to the workout!

MOHAI Monday

DATE: 07_23_18          05:30am        Conditions – perfect, sun rising, 61 degrees, minimal to no wind


PAX (11) Lafleur (Q), Meet Up, Gekko, Bangkok, Scrum, Sun Devil, Hurley, Luigi, Kojak, Wooley Bugger, Spam

The Thang-

Warm Up: arm circles, imperial walks, windmills – hold plank until Meet up joins circle

Go time – Wave Merkins – circle up, first man goes down and holds, next man…until it comes back and then up and hold, switch to one arm, to plank, we did this for a good amount of time…shoulders!

Mosey to Fountain – 20 derkins then 20 pike rally left, 20 derkins pike rally left and then right

Mosey to beach, 20 high derkins, then half PAX to 20 derkins others to hop ups and switch

Mosey to stairs, 10 inchworm push ups, 20 WW1, then up 3 flights of stairs x 2

Mosey back down, 10 inchworm push ups then mosey back to beach, 20 derkins, back to fountain, 20 derkins and 20 pike rally

back to COT for long plank then 2 minutes of flutter.

COT – Spam shared about spending one on one time with your kids and how important it is for those bonds.  Plan out special things for the summer, outdoors, new places, new things, but plan in advance or it does not happen.

Great work this morning gents, my shoulders are going to feel it tomorrow!

Tons of fun

Well done men of Bellevue

15 men had tons of fun in Bellevue this morning (new AO record for attendance!) Great work in recruiting by all, and by Dig Dug (site Q)!

The Pax:
Salsa, Xbox, Dig Dug, Dial Up, Mueller, (the) Hoff, Ferris, Bull Horn, Dilfer, Elon, Dry Dock, Peloton, Icky, Blue (VQ)

Warmup (“just a few (5- or 10-count) reps of each”… Q took the reps kinda slow, knowing what would soon be happening)
– side straddle hop, merkins, sit ups, squats

The Thang:

Modified APFT (Army Physical Fitness Training) exercises
– Mosey to middle of park, find a partner, form two lines, partners facing each other
– 1 minute max-effort pushups: one partner goes while other holds fist under chest (flapjack)
– 1 minute max-effort situps: one partner goes while other holds feet in place (flapjack)

Form 3 teams of 5 pax
– each team picks up a 100+ lb sandbag “worm” (2 bags connected by a carabiner)
– “mosey” to south end of park (it looks different with sandbags)

“Swedish ‘Ton of Fun’ Mile” around the track, counter-clockwise
– two guys at front of each team pick up the worm and complete 20 reps of an exercise (20 reps x 100# = 1 TON of weight movement), while the rest of the team does burpees
– those same two guys carry the worm a quarter lap, where they happily drop said worm for the early birds at the back of their team line
– two guys from the back of each team step forward. Repeat-o for a full mile and more than 8 tons of lifting for each team. 24 tons total.
– Exercises with the worm included: deadlifts, thrusters, overhead holds for 20 seconds, static hold at bottom of squat, shoulder-to-shoulder, overhead squats
– Completed the mile at west side of park

A little sprint work to balance all that long, slow stuff
– sprint to electrical box in center of park and back
– as a team, run to railing at top of fountain, and bear crawl back (just to cool off our hands in the wet grass)

6 MoM
– 10-count flutter kicks with some guys holding sandbags over their heads (rotate other guys in for more)
– Bro-tractor with sandbags over head (rotate other guys in)

– Inspired to see so many pax in attendance! I think at one point we were up to 50 or so (did I count wrong)… but then the sandbags came out… so the final count was 15, lol
– Lots of “interesting” sounds during the APFT pushups and situps… mostly positive words of encouragement & cheering … but also some grunting and other guttural noises
– Wow. The teams got after the sand bags. Working with weight is no joke. So awesome to see guys jumping right in, both to try something new… and also to work as a team to get stuff done
– Specific shout-outs to Dig Dug and Xbox who, at different times, let me know that the sandbag stuff was too easy. Beasts.
– Very inspired by Bull Horn… on his second day ever at this AO… jumping right in and pushing through a very heavy slog-fest. Love his commitment!
– Perhaps I need not say more than to draw attention to the photo. This was at the end of the fun… Look at those smiles. Infectious.
– We were having so much fun under the weight, and working together, that a large number of passers-by stopped to either gawk or encourage us. Several invites were overheard!

– 2nd Kidvergence this morning at KIMS at 9. First one was very well attended.
– Bellevue AO won the recent competition for most FNG’s! (Coffee on Dig Dug this morning!)
– New 12-week competition to have as many VQ’s as possible. Several guys gave verbal commitments!
– Look for F3 Puget Sound newsletter to be emailed on Sunday

– “You are more valuable than a telephone pole.” Inspired by a story told to Blue by a homeless man he knows. The man, “J,” had all his belongings fire-bombed by someone who wanted him dead. His tent & belongings happened to be beside a telephone pole. J did not get much response from the police, but several authorities came out in force to inspect the damage done to the telephone pole, and to plan their investigation into who damaged the pole. J knows that he is infinitely more valuable than that pole, although he wasn’t getting much support from others in reminding him. What are the “damaged telephone poles” in our lives that some might have us believe are more valuable than us? Is it a lost job, a failed relationship? Those things might get more attention than us, but know in your heart that those things do not define you. You have inherent, infinite value. Perhaps we can pass along that reminder to someone who needs to hear it.

Xbox off IR

PAX: Thriftshop, Xbox (Q)

Warmup: Running around looking for more PAX

  • 10 IC Windmills
  • 10 IC Cotton Pickers
  • 10 IC Merkins
  • 15 IC Arm circles and flapjack

Thang: Kept it simple as YHC just getting back at it.

  • Red barchetta up (100 SSH, 75 Mountain Climbers…10 Burpees)
  • Red barchetta down (100 Merkins, 75 LBCs…10 burpees)

30 seconds Al Gore, 10 count rest, 45 second Al Gore

8 MoM

  • 15 IC Flutter kicks
  • 15 IC Rosalitas
  • 15 IC Dollies
  • 15 count hold


  • Repeato
  • 1 minute high plank
  • Almost 1 minute low plank

Moleskin: Happy I found you out there Thriftshop.

WoW: Great to be back. Encourage the PAX to stay in 2nd/3rd Fs even when on IR. YHC absolutely missed the 2nd F more than the 1st. Thanks again Thriftshop.


It’s all Alexa’s fault: Chainline PB&J

11 men made it out despite Alexa’s sabotage efforts stealing our site Q’s and whatnot, and mostly non-regulars!

The Pax:

  1. Tardy
  2. Spotlight
  3. Hail
  4. Jemaine
  5. FNG Lamb Chop
  6. Sleepless
  7. Schnitzl
  8. Star Lord
  9. Ac DC
  10. Razr
  11. Kramer (Q)

Also – Bodhi sighting at the tail end finishing a run and stopped to say hi

Beautiful night, not too hot, moderate clouds, more running than usual…

The Thang:



Imperial Walkers


Bropees x 5

Bearcrawl to courts

Mosey to benches

10/20/30: decline, incline, dips

Jack Webb  1×4…5×20 and back down. Much complaining.

Mosey to Everest park

Half Stadium stair run / half wall sit

various permutations of that including burpees

4 corners = Pax helpfully stepped in and called excercises, Schnitzel bringing the Gorilla Humpers to a new audience. 

A few random excercises while wandering around looking for the trail

Trail run

Lt Dan

Back to base

Only time for 10 WW1’s!

Thanks for letting me Q and your patience as we explored some new terrain!

Words: Lot of different guys in F3 -not a monoculture. If you want to find some friends to do a crazy athletic event, great, but also guys to catch a movie, have a beer, get together with kids, etc. Find your sub-groups and the more you put in the more you get out.

Beers and fun were had. Your Q was bought a beer for helping carry a stroller up the stairs. Good Karma!



Did he say Swirly?

Did he say Swirly?

The Needle draws visitors whether you are going up for the views or running around the base to sweat your ass off.  Awesome to have three folks from out of town today!

The Thang

14 men chose to get up and get better this morning.  And I appreciated each and every one of them.

Alexa (Q), AP (Royalty), Crabs, FIB (Naperville), Heat (Chicago), 529 (ShadeOn), Wooly Bugger (ItLookedEasy), LaFleur (NewSiteQ!!!!), Bangkok (Crushedit), Dookie (2ndWrkoutPfft), The Bobs (FNG), Luigi (GreatJobToday), Rev. Flo-Rida (CLT Metro), and Big City (Impressive)


Warm UP – SSH 20X, Burpees 5 OYO

No time to waste on warm up – lets go.


Mosey to the Dark Alley

BearPee Mile!  Crowd Favorite, bear crawl to a four count and then do a burpee, distance covered – the Dark Alley


Mosey to the Rock Garden

10, 20, 30s – declined, inclined, dips


Mosey round the outside, round the outside to the stairs

Salmon Ladder – sum to 7, Prisoner Squats at bottom, 2 count Lunges at top.  Alternate both flights of stairs up and Box Jump


Mosey to Commode Fountain for The Swirly

Partner up in threes/fours two people do an exercise AMRAP while the other person or pair does a ring around the Fountain bowl as the timer. Swirly.

Exercises: WWI pushups, hand slap merkins, leg throws.


Mosey to the Stage for three rounds of BLIMPS.

1X BLIMPS – Lap, 2X BLIMPS – Lap, 3XBLIMPS – Lap


Mosey to the start, 19X LBCs and DONE.


Announcements – Puget Sound Shirt/Gear order is live, 2.0 Kidvergence this Sat 9am at Kirkland Middle School (Ending with Water Balloon War – Dads V Kids).  CSAUPS, Rucks, Mud Runs, Charity Events all coming up, look at the email if you want to get in on all of that.

Words – Rev Flo Rida – shared his recent job change story and emphasized two things, IMHO, first…what you think is ideal may neither be the best outcome or what will come to fruition.  And second, focus on improving yourself and ask for help to get better as a human whether that is from your god or friends, family, or F3 men and by getting better the right things will come to you!

Honor to lead,



Real Real Gone

1 man showed up for Boxtrot this morning.

The PAX: Hollywood (Q)

The Thang:

4 miles…supposed to be just under a 10/min/mile pace. It was not…but we’ll get to that.

I rolled up to the start point at 5:27AM…I knew that XBox is on the IR, and also I was pretty sure that DryDock was a solo dad this week.  So who else was going to show?  5:30AM…just me…was I really going to do this? Sure. Why the hell not?

Mile 1 – Attempting to set the pace which we normally run. It’s hard cause I don’t have a fancy smart watch. My watch I bought off a spinning rack at Fred Meyer a couple years ago. It’ll have to do this morning. My footfalls are loud, not covered up by mumblechatter. I have the opening horns from Van Morrison’s “Real Real Gone” stuck in my head.

Mile 2 – Feeling good. The song’s still there. The trail is practically empty, and the morning is beautiful.  I passed a set of millennials, maybe a couple? They were running with headphones in. Not sure if I was jealous of that, or glad to be running in silence.

Mile 3 – Oh shit.  I just hit the turn around point at 5:45AM. This is bad. Real bad. “Real Real Bad” there are those horns again. All this time I’ve been blaming DryDock for letting the pace creep up. But I just ran the first two miles at a no BS 7:30/min/mile. Figuring out a way to still blame DryDock…standby. In the silence though, I did figure out a critical story point for a creative project I’ve been working on. This problem has been plaguing me for the last few weeks, and it was a bit of an epiphany this morning. All by myself.

Mile 4 – The last mile of our run…the visibility really opens up. The trail is straight and open, you can see a long way. That makes it tough when you’re on your own. I focusing now on the pain in my legs, and the fact that I know I’m running faster than we normally allow, but I’m also pushing myself to finish at that pace.

Finish Line – Yikes. Finished at 6:01…by my math that’s 4 miles in 31 minutes, or about 7:45/min/mile. Whoops. DryDock really messed up the pace this morning. I’m going to have a stern talk with him when I see him next.

General thoughts – Working out by yourself is no where near as enjoyable. F3 has made me more sociable whilst working out.  I said “hello” to everyone that I passed. 80% did not really respond, or did at a minimal level.

I had a great morning…just wish other guys had been there to share it.


Time at finishline



Dances With Geese – MOHAI Monday

12 PAX got after it Monday 7/16 @ MOHAI: FNG Dookie, Meetup, Bangkok, SPAM, Big City, Luigi, Scrum, Wooly Bugger, Kojak, Gekko, LaFleur, 529’er (Q)

CoP: SSH, Merkins, Fast cadence LBC

The Thang: Out & backs

  • Partner up in pairs
  • Partner 1 does AMRAP exercise
  • Partner 2 runs out 120M, does 5 exercises, backpedals back
  • Switch
  • Continue until AMRAP exercises reach target number
  • AMRAP exercises: Burpees (100), WWI (200), Merkins (150), Sumo squats (100)
  • 5 out & back exercises: Burpees, inchworm plank-up merkins, inchworm plank-up merkins w/ high jump

MoM: Oblique crunch, Fast cadence LBC


  • 2.0 workout this Saturday the 21st at 0900 at Kirkland middle school. Normal Saturday workouts are on.
  • 8/17 GoRuck Star Course 50 Miler
  • 9/22 Tough Mudder
  • 10/19 Custom GoRuck Tough for F3. Sign up via link: https://www.goruck.com/event-14722/


“Hedonic adaptation” is our natural tendency to take things for granted as we become accustomed to them. One of the best weapons against this is actively practicing gratitude on a daily basis. Pausing to truly connect to your gratitude for even the small things will make an outsized cumulative impact.