

Blood drive to help the F3 Nation donate 10,000 units of blood by end of year 10 of F3 Nation.

The needle stick is much less painful than the beatdown you experienced at Extreme Week, and will truly save lives – up to 3 benefactors from your one donation!Let’s represent the Puget Sound to the F3 Nation as the bleeding edge of this initiative and fill the remaining spots. Once open to the public, they will fill, and the fun of the F3 Pax, the friendly competition and of course the $5 Amazon gift cards, will pass you by. Do not miss out!


Sign up here in the “ZIP or Sponsor code” box, put in F3Nation. Select your time. Remember, your M, your 2.0 over 18 years old, your co workers, neighbors, friends and fellow PAX of Puget Sound all can be EH’d by YOU. 

More Info

For more information on representing our 3rd F and how you can participate or to learn about our upcoming events, check out these channels on our slack page.

#3rd-f (All Puget Sound)


Your participation can make a significant difference, and develop your as a leader. We welcome your involvement in our community efforts.

The handle for our 3rd F is 3GR (#3rdGearRally)

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