CSAUP – Defined


Completely Stupid And Utterly Pointless

– F3 Puget Sound Definition

Difficult, dirty and dangerous events that build Trust between Team Members

– Definition from the F3Nation


TO STRESS test the PAX to strengthen Trust. “Shared pain builds Trust”- Dredd


The event must push both the physical and mental limits of the PAX. The mere consideration of participating in said event should give even the most seasoned and fit member of the PAX significant pause. The risk of failure is high.

The event must require that the PAX works as a TEAM to overcome great adversity. The various elements must be near impossible as a solo endeavor.

The event must require great expenditure of time, both in terms of training, preparation and the event itself. The event time shall either by contiguous or in tightly spaced days such that participation requires significant personal sacrifice.


The event must require a significant degree of discomfort: be that in terms of actual dirt, sweat, tears, cold, heat, physical pain, etc. or thru great mental or emotional toil. 

To a mere outsider the event must seem absurd or certainly stretch the boundaries of what is considered feasible, wise or achievable.


The event while not being unsafe should certainly challenge the PAX to push the limits of their capability. There shall be elements that cause trepidation and anxiety which forces a HIM to dig deep to overcome.

Number of PAX

The goal should be to have as many PAX participate as possible, however at a minimum an event MUST include at least 2 PAX members (how can you have a team event with 1 PAX?) and the event should be broadly open to all PAX.


Tough Mudder/Toughest Mudder, Worlds Toughest Mudder.

Spartan Super, Spartan Beast, Spartan Ultra

GORUCK Tough/Heavy/Custom (No Light) Stars Course 50 mile

Extreme Week (at least 7 workouts contiguous with no gaps)

Examples of Events to do NOT qualify:

Exclusively Running events (5k, 10K, 13.1, 26.2, etc) UNLESS the involve a relay portion, extended time, distance  and the entire team is exclusively F3 PAX (For example Hood to Coast, Ragnar) as running is primarily an individual event even if run as a group.

GORUCK Light/Spartan Sprint/Mudder 5k- as a entry level event it does not meet the Difficult or Dangerous component, however these are suggested as great training events for completing future CSAUP events.

CSAUP Training-

While true CSAUP events will be relatively rare within the Region we would encourage the PAX to design, implement and Q training events with the eventual goal to prepare the PAX to successfully complete a CSAUP.

These could include Ruck training, extended or linked together AO’s (Sinister Saturday, Tour de Kirkland, etc.) or other training events primarily designed to expose PAX to the CSAUP concepts and prepare them for the larger challenge.

Ultimately we encourage the PAX to design, market and implement CSAUP events to stress test each other, demonstrating the PAX is made up of HIM capable of true Shared Leadership. 


For more information on our 1st F and how you can participate or to learn about our upcoming teams & events, check out these channels on our slack page.

#1st- f (All Puget Sound)
