Crawlin’ to Saturday

4 HIM’s got better today at MSFT. You know it’s good when XBox complains.

PAX: Nall, Schnitzel, XBox, Digdug(Q)

CoP- SSH, Cotton Pickers, “Dubs”, Good Mornings, Mountain Climbers, Merkins

50 yd Red Bearchetta

“Crawl Plank”
Partner up. P1 crawl bear 30 yards, P2 planks. Flapjack. Repeat left plank, right plank with crab walk and more crawl bear.

Mosey around field.

“Slinky Sprint”
Partner up. P1 sprints to 50 yard line and signals. P2 sprints to 50 yard line, when reaching 50 yard line P1 then sprints to 100 yard line. Repeat for a total of 200 yards.

Swedish Mile to volley ball courts for some sand action.

“Crabs walk in sand … so should we!”
Bear Crawl around volleyball court. Reverse, crawl bear halfway, then crab walk the rest. A sandy adventure to be sure.

Mosey to start for 6MOM of Flutter x20 -> LBC x15 -> Roselitta x15-> Dolly x15 -> LBC x15 -> American Hammer -> LBC x30

Xbox’s bear crawl is a sight to behold. Looks like some sort of gorilla more than a bear. He also crab walks backwards … or does he? Hmm.

Nall showed incredible fortitude, never giving up despite some ambitious calls by the Q. Crab walking in sand is authentic and … brutal.

Schnitzel bailed on a meeting to come join us … and we were all better for it. Thank you, Schnitzel.

Bellevue AO test 7 AM saturday

You are responsible for everything that happens in your life. It’s easy to play the victim when things go wrong and to feel as if it was all your doing when things go right. Issues with the M? You married her, dude. Issues with kids? You decided to have them and be their parent. Fat and out of shape? That’s on you, buddy.

Own it. And thru owning it, improve it or make the necessary changes. You’re responsible.

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