3 awesome men joined me at Field 5 for a workout. We had to confine our workout to a small field of grass due to construction but we made the most of it!
PAX: Snip, Brady, Kobe, Thrift Shop (Q)
Warm-Up: SSH (20), Arm Circles, Squats (15),
Jack Webbs (run 50 yd and back, then 1 burpee + 4 air presses, repeat 4 times with each time increasing 1 burpee and 4 air presses, repeat 4 more times with each time decreasing by 1 burpee and 4 air presses)
4 Corners (PAX runs to the next corner of the field and performs 20 reps of an exercise)
— First circuit: Lunges, high-jump burpees, WW1s, 60 sec of tree-hugger squat
— Second circuit: Merkins, xxx, Kobe cobra-merkins, Carolina dry-docks
6MOM: flutters, protractor, box-cutters
Words: life is hectic and it’s easy to be overwhelmed. Ask for help if you need it.
Moleskin: Snip almost killed us with 20 high-jump burpees in the 4 corners (jeez, dude! :)). It was great to see Brady posting again after his stint in IR. He bragged about his ability to do finger-tip Merkins (rock on, guy!). Kobe, thanks for bringing your calm force to the workout!