4 Men came out and attacked the day at Mohai.
The PAX: Gekko, Kojak, Perogi (f3 NC), SunDevil (Q)
The Thang:
*Warmup-SSH, Merkins, Mt. Climbers
*Mosey to Bird Latrine/Bird Pond. Burpee ladder: 10 Burpees run around Pond, 9 Burpees Run around Pond etc. to 1 Burpee. 50 LBCs
Mosey to mini dock. Black Jack mini stair climb. 1 Sumo Squat on dock, run up stairs, 20 Plank ups. Run down stairs 2 Sumo Squats, Run Up Stairs 19 Plank Ups. PAX calls out an exercise to switch to on the top after 2 rounds, continue Sumo’s on bottom. We got some cool ones in here from Perogi, I can’t recall the names, but I was sore!
Mosey back to Lawn area, follow the leader step ups.
Mosey to Museum stairs, stair push up x 10, legs move up a level, hands stay in place. x 5 stairs.
Mosey to Orca dock. 10-10-10 incline, decline, dips. Done.
*Announcements: Patch program, Worthington family fun weekend, starting a new PAX in DC (Arlington) so if you know anyone interested give them a push!
*Words: We take notice when some of our core regulars go missing (KEMP!), they appreciate being reached out to. Continue to reach out to those that go missing after only attending a few sessions, it’s motivating to hear from someone within the group.