6 men came out for a glorious workout and post-workout gathering at Chainline.
The PAX: Skynet, Goose, Hail, Snip, Mifflin, Dunder (Q)
The Not PAX(shame…shame..shame): Schnitzel, AC/DC, Indy
The Thang:
*Warmup-SSH, Merkins, Mt. Climbers
*Mosey to google: 10/20/30 Declines, Inclines, Dips
*Mosey further onto campus. 5 burpees
*Mosey to Terrace Park: Jacobs Ladder. Merkins/Sumo Squats
*Captain Thor: 1:4 ratio of WW1 and Russian Hammers
*Swedish run back to covered court.
*Froggers: Low squat hop down the court and back: 20 LBCs at free throw lines 20 merkins at half and end lines.
*Split into 2 groups. Group 1 calls out exercise for group 2 while they run out the shed, down the stairs, and back. Rotate until everyone has called something.
*12 days of Christmas…actually only 9
* Mosey back to Google. 2 MoM
Announcements: Worthington Family Fun Extravaganza, 2.0 Workout
WoW: Make time for workouts regardless of how stressed out you may be at work or life. I had a rough week at work and couldn’t wait to get out with the guys and work off some of that stress. I felt 100% better.