A Walk, Run, Crawl In The Park

6 Men started the week off with some 1st and 2nd F, and were treated to dry grass, empty tennis courts, star-lit sky

PAX:  Thrift Shop, Donor, Mash, Xbox, Jermaine, Tardy (Q)

The Thang:  WARM UP:  SSH, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, easy Merkins,  Side Plank.  Mosey to TENNIS COURTS. Paula Abdul (her new hit “two courts forward one court back”) – Round 1 =Bear Crawl and 5 6 Count Merkins each court, Karaoke back to other end; Round 2 = Lunge Walks and 4 Burpees at each court, Karaoke back facing other directions. Mosey to PARKING LOT for PAX call-out of exercise. Person 1 calls out an exercise for the group of 5 to complete AMRAP while person 1 runs lap of parking lot; Exercises = Merkins, Mountain Climbers, LBCs, Skaters, Crucifix Carry, and some crazy slow low squat that Xbox called the  “gungan” squat or something (umm, cross your arms and grab your earlopes with opposite hand…)… which was surprisingly nice, like I was giving myself a nice big hug (albeit preventing a full breath, so also reminiscent of hypoxia toward the end there).  MOSEY around the park perimeter to the SPIDER’S WEB play structure for 5 Pull-Up – 5 Chin-Up – 10 Australian Pull-Ups. MOSEY to start for 5 Mom; Slow Bird-Dogs, Yoga “knee to nose” abs, Side Plank, Freddie Mercury.

Words:  Jemaine offered up his feelings post Tough Mudder this weekend. Doing a challenge is so much better and rewarding when done with others. Of all the many adventure and outdoor races, events and challenges, my first one with F3 and with a group of guys was the best, SO FUN.  Of note, the 20+ F3 racers ended up naturally falling into 3 groups at 3 different paces, and everyone finished and was well supported, with no man left behind and every man stronger at the end. That does not happen naturally/organically in all groups gents. Clearly we are thankful for the humanity, connection and comradery of the F3 brotherhood.  Support + Accountability = platform for success gents.   4 of us did a short Coffeeteria at DownPour Coffee Bar, and the Q was treated to large Americano with which to continue winning the day with.



KiMS Yogi Mount Merlot Visit

23 motivated on Saturday men came to KiMS, not worried about the potential rain in the forecast.  None were tardy (no LIFO’s)but the Q was “Tardy”.   A trip to Mount Merlot was in the offing, with studly yoga sprinkled in all across the 60 minute, 3.1 mile, 950 calorie work-out (per my Apple Watch).

PAX: Kramer, Swinger, Finstrom ,  Squirt (back in the fold after 1 year+ hiatus!), Mile High (also a “welcome back, have not seen you in a while”), Convict, Doaner, Grissom, Gekko, Handbag, Dunder, The Hof, Rudy, Gilligan, Cowboy, Maybe, Mifflin, Wooley Bugger, Lateral, Tardy (Q),  Turnpike (FNG), Primate (FNG).

The Thang:

  • Warm-up;  SSHs, Imperial Walkers, Mountain Climbers, Downward Dog – Upward Dog series.
  • Mosey to the planters in three teams, rotate into the following exercises:  Team one starts with bear crawl up the driveway and run back (acts as the timer), Team 2 performs decline planter walks, Team 3 starts in wall sits.  Rotate x 3.
  • Mosey to planters #2 for 10-20-30 of:  box jumps, decline merkins, dips
  • Mosey to Crestwoods Field for 2 rounds of Tyson: 5-10-15 sumo squats followed by 3-6-9 Jillian Michaels.  Meet in plank, then  yoga downward dog-upward dog series
  • Mosey to Mount Merlot.
    • 1) Team 1 Bernie Sanders (run backwards) up to first telephone pole (its a long way), perform 10 merkins and return while team 2 performs yoga bird-dogs.  Swap and repeat.
    • 2) Run to the top of mount merlot, with extra: 5 diamond merkins at the bottom, 10 yoga (narrow) merkins half way, 15 merkins at the top, 20 wide merkins at the telephone pole on the way down
  •   Mosey to Cross-Connector trail, where we pit stop for 10-20-30, cut short by strong men causing the fence beam to snap; exit the scene of the crime with intent to schedule a Working Party to make repairs at a future date
  • 5 MoM and Sandbag work:  Unity Squats while passing two sandbags along the outside of the circle.  High swat passing two sandbags along the inside. 1 min flutters. 30 seconds yoga Boat Pose.

Announcements: Base to Space; if you are not participating please consider donating to our F3 Team and moving toward stretch goal of $4000 for Fred Hutch Cancer Center.  CSAUPs upcoming = Touch Mudder Sept 30 (Q: Grissom) and Custom F3 Ruck Oct 19 (Q: Buckeye)

Named our two FNGs – Welcome Turnpike and Primate!

Words:  Think carefully about your words/statements to others, be thoughtful… how others perceive or interpret your words can be surprising/unintended.  F3 can improve your confidence. Be confident enough to ask others for feedback and/or engage with people that you think may have taken issue with something you have said or done; leave the ego out.

Exit to Coffeeteria.

Thanks gentleman, great to start to the day and I followed it up with full day of time with 2.0’s and giving the M some time off, and made my “Go30” for the day.