6 Men on a beautiful PBJ evening.
6 men came out for a glorious workout and post-workout gathering at Chainline.
The PAX: Skynet, Goose, Hail, Snip, Mifflin, Dunder (Q)
The Not PAX(shame…shame..shame): Schnitzel, AC/DC, Indy
The Thang:
*Warmup-SSH, Merkins, Mt. Climbers
*Mosey to google: 10/20/30 Declines, Inclines, Dips
*Mosey further onto campus. 5 burpees
*Mosey to Terrace Park: Jacobs Ladder. Merkins/Sumo Squats
*Captain Thor: 1:4 ratio of WW1 and Russian Hammers
*Swedish run back to covered court.
*Froggers: Low squat hop down the court and back: 20 LBCs at free throw lines 20 merkins at half and end lines.
*Split into 2 groups. Group 1 calls out exercise for group 2 while they run out the shed, down the stairs, and back. Rotate until everyone has called something.
*12 days of Christmas…actually only 9
* Mosey back to Google. 2 MoM
Announcements: Worthington Family Fun Extravaganza, 2.0 Workout
WoW: Make time for workouts regardless of how stressed out you may be at work or life. I had a rough week at work and couldn’t wait to get out with the guys and work off some of that stress. I felt 100% better.
Woodinville May 10th BackBlast
PAX- SPAM, Hollywood, Hurley, Goats, Xbox, FSBO, Salsa, Worthington (Q)
We call this workout the “panty dropper”… You had to be there to understand
Warmups- SSH, MC’s, Merkins
Mosey to the patio- 10/20/30- Decline, Incline Dips. 10/20/30- Box Jumps, Step Ups, Bulgarian Split Squats
Mosey to the North Driveway Hill- FSBO calls out 10 Burpees at each Speed Bump to the top….
Top Parking Lot- Goats calls out 5 WW1’s at each Planter strip for a complete circuit of the top lot.
Mosey to Bear Crawl Canyon, crawl the canyon! Partner Up- Stairbarrow up the stairs and back down, flapjack and do it again!
Mosey to the Hill of Broken Dreams…. 2 minutes AMRAP up and downs. 4 reps was the max hit by several in the PAX!
Salmon Ladder- Hollywood calls out merkins ascending by 2 at each landing… That means a total of 72 Merkins up the ladder, a killer. Descending down the ladder starting at 16 squats, 72 squats at the bottom.
6MOM- 60 Count flutters (lots of complaining here…), 30 ct Russian twists, 30 ct LBC’s and finish it with the BroTractor!
A great workout a few takeaways: Salsa, Xbox and SPAM battle it out at the front. Stairbarrows are easier if your partner holds you at the knees, thanks Salsa! Hurley kept me inspired as he just kept at it! Hollywood kept the mood light and Goats got voluntold he will be VQ’ing next week!
WOW- Take the time to not just “logistically” talk with your spouse (schedules, talking about the kids, etc) and make sure you are discussing hopes, dreams, fears, i.e. the important and intimate stuff that builds real relationship.
Manly Men @ KiMS
18 manly men did not cower in their fart sacks this morning; instead, they posted to get PUMPED UP.
Pax: SPAM, Gilligan, Kramer, Hail, Alexa, Bam Bam, Drama, Buckeye, Schnitzel, FSBO, Gift Box, Singlet, Simmons, Spotlight, Brady, AC/DC, The Dude, and Dilfer (Q)
Warm Up
Little baby arm circles
Big manly arm circles
Repeato backwards
Cotton pickers
Leg swings
Side straddle hop
Mosey to planters
Back extensions w partners
Mosey lap around track to cinder blocks
Everyone gets a cinderblock
Mosey to football field in zone
Step ups on ball of foot (switch feet in mid-air)
Russian jig (on heels)
Lateral step ups (alt feet)
Power cleans
Round the head each way x 5
Bicep curls
sumo squats
Hand Release Cinder Press
Standing single arm Lat Rows
Kettle Swings through legs
Low plank with one elbow in cinder, opp leg up
Flapjack, repeato x 10
Weighted LBC Toe touch
American Hammers with cinder
Partner up in end zone.
One partner works down field throwing cinder while P2 sprints to opp end zone and back to partner. I’ll call it the Scottish Toss
Flapjack x until opp end zone is reached by cinderblock.
Run with cider back to shed
Mosey to COT
Step up to Q
AC/DC to Q Heritage in Saturday
6am Sat 3rd F & Houghton Starbucks
Brady’s Fad just died yesterday and so he will not be posting Sat. Please keep him in thoughts and prayers
Dilfer said if he can Q, anyone can. You don’t have to be fastest or strongest. Work with site Q to design workout you can lead or co-lead that plays to your strengths.
Dilfer shared that his oldest (7) just got diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder, which is a relief because labels can actually open doors with additional resources. Don’t ignore something because you are scared of labels. This is especially true in mental health where men traditionally are in denial and isolate. Depression, anxiety, etc are all treatable and doesn’t have to involve meds if you adverse to meds. Name your fears and struggles… that is the first step.
Great to lead you men!
BoxTrot – NB
4 men went for a run Tuesday morning.
The PAX: XBox, Jar Jar, Kramer, Hollywood (Q)
Tha Thang: 4 miles, 10 min/mile pace. We turned right and headed to the north this morning. XBox actually made the comment that it seem colder. SMH.
Great conversation the whole time. Props to Jar Jar for pushing through as far as he could go. We are all getting better.
WoW – Your choice of response to someone under-performing is the difference between Admonishment or Coaching.
MOHAI Monday 5/7/18 “Always Compete”
Talledega Morning
Momma, I am Going Fast!!!
15 HIMs decided to start their week off on the right foot and show to Grasslawn for a sprinting good time. In honor of Talladega we went fast.
Alexa (Q), Pax: Jar jar, Spot light, Gift Box, Dilfer (LLLLLLifo), Xbox, Dial Up, AP, Germaine, Singlet, Dig Dug, FSBO, Guerro, Bam Bam, and Thrift Shop.
The Thang: Plant Two Flags and mosey to the field.
Warm up: SSH, Empiral Walkers, Cotton Pickers, BigBaby Arms Circles forward and reverse.
Mosey to the Tennis Courts…six courts for those of you who haven’t been to the greatest AO on the East Side.
One Round of Animal Courts with Active Recovery, SSH, until the Six is in. The Animals: Bear Crawls, forward Crabs, Inch Worms, Spiders, Backward Crabs, and Crawl Bears
Suicides all Six courts
Mosey to the Soccer Field
Singlet (Heritage AO) lead a brief round of core: Freddy Murcuries, Murcury Freddies, wrestling shoot throughs, and on your knees for some Fat Joe’s (Lean Backs)
SPRINTS – line up on the soccer base line and full throttle sprints to the midfield line. Jog and walk to the opposite base line. Reline up and sprint to the midfield, repeato, and repeato, and repeato, and repeato,,,,,and repeato. So much sprinting, so much going fast.
Slowzie to the field
Xbox (Box Trot & MSFT Campus AOs) lead a round of MoM – Russian Hammers, Hummingbirds, hight/low plank, and someotherstuffican’tremember.
Dig Dug (Bellevue AO) stepped up for the Box Cutters, Rosalitas, and someotherstuffican’tremember.
PAX Highlights:
Welcome FNG Gift Box…works for Nordstrom and has a family. Well done today, keep it up.
Guerro’s shotgun start to the sprints was Olympic quality. Love the enthusiasm!!!
Jar Jars jumping jax continue to be a site to behold. I love the quiet commitment he brings.
Spotlights commitment to
The fast guys dueled it out Xbox and AP and Thrift Shop got after it.
Thanks to everyone for giving it your all on the soccer field!
Welcome FNG Gift Box, well done BamBam for giving F3 away and helping to grow the group and Monday.
Check in with your parents, kids, wife, and friends. Just ask how they are doing or if anything is bothering them. And then listen. Don’t try to solve the problem, just let them talk. And of course offer your help at the end.
5/5 KiMS on a perfect morning
Sunny and warm Saturday, and 24 men showed up for a workout.
PAX: FNG Waterboy, FNG Subprime, Mifflin, Guero, Maybe, Hoser, The Dude, Rivet, Joystick, Swinger, Schnitzel, Blossom, Yellow Belt, Jon Bon, Skrivelo, Dilfer, Jemaine, Foley, Jughead, Bam Bam, Kramer, Putt Putt.
-CoP: SSH, Mt. Climbers, Diamond Merkins, Squats, Merkins
-Pick up the ~100lb Brute Bag and mosey to the top of the stairs. Drop Bag
-Run to the bottom of the stairs and get into teams of three. P1 and P2 wheelbarrow up the stairs while P3 bunny hops. Rotate as needed.
-Pick up the bag and mosey to soccer field. New teams of 3. Each team takes turn rolling bag from a bear crawl position while the other teams run across the soccer field and back. Runners to an exercise on opposite side of field. Merkins, Sumo Squats, Burpees, wide Merkins/Diamond Merkins.
-Hand over Q to Dunder
-Royal H: Same reps and Jack Webbs. 1 Burpee/4 Squats
-Jack Webbs
-Mosey to football field and partner up. Each pair gets concrete block. P1 runs across field while P2 does exercise. Squats, Curls, Merkins on block.
-Quick jog to tennis courts for Wall of Fire
-Capt Thor: Same reps at Jack Webbs. 1 WW1/4 Russian Hammer
-Jon Bon is back! (only on days above 45 and no rain)
-stairbarrow in honor of Worthington is always a winner
-Brute bag is a fun one to play around with. At one point I saw Dilfer swinging it around like it was 20lbs
-Great showing by 2 FNGs
Announcements: Worthington Family Weekend!
Words: Persistence pays off. Gekko finally got an FNG out after over a year of pestering him. PBJ crew got an FNG to join in the middle of the workout after asking him over and over and over again.
Cinco de F3
8 men showed up at Gasworks for my first official Q on a beautiful sunny Cinco de Mayo.
PAX: Kemp, Dink, Bankok, Sundevil, Hurley, Hubber, Waxy. No FNGs.
As you’d expect, everything was “5” themed, but I wanted to add a bit more so I did some research. I wanted to find whatever the Mexican equivalent of the MARSOC Short Card, but I found so little on Google that I’m not sure if they even do PT. So we settle for the “second best” on Cinco de Mayo, the French. Most specifically, the French Foreign Legion.
- Mosey to the helicopter pad
- 5 Muricans
- 5 burpees
- 5 WWI sit-ups
- 5 Sumo squats
- 5 windmills
The Thang
We started with the French Foreign Legion fitness test:
- Luc Leger: Also known as the “Beep Test” in the English-speaking world. Two lines, 20m apart. A beep track is played with tones every 10 seconds. Run to the second line, rest until you hear the second beep. Repeat. Over. And over. And over. At each minute mark, the beeps get slightly closer together. When you can’t make it to the line in time, drop out and plank until everyone else is out.
- Mosey to the pull-up arch on the north side of the garbage dump
- Pull up test: Split into two groups. Active group does max rep pull-ups one at a time, with the rest of the group doing side straddle hop while they wait. The other group runs to the corner and back in a loop until the first group is done.
FFL standard: Minimum 7 rounds in the Luc Leger, and 4 full-extension pull-ups
Just for fun we did some animal movements (bear crawl & crab walk) on the basketball court.
Next we did some “hill marches”:
- Mosey back to the platform
- 5×5: Step ups, Box Jumps, Dips, Incline Muricans, Decline Muricans
- Mosey to the top of Kite Hill
- 5×5: Mucho Chesto! Muricans, Manspreading Muricans, Diamond Muricans, Offset Muricans in each direction
- Mosey to the dock
- 5×5: Sumo Squats, Lunges, Squats, Little Man in the Woods
- Mosey to the top of the hill
- 5×5: LBC, Russian Twist, WWI Situps, 4 count 6″ flutter kicks, 4 count 45 degree flutter kicks
New locations and times!
- Hug your four legged friends. I lost my 14 year old very loyal cat to kitty cancer a couple of weeks ago, but in the hustle-bustle of life I never fully internalized how much I missed her until later. We spend a lot of time and energy thinking about the humans in our lives, and it’s easy to forget our little furry “people”.
- Kemp: Our communities need our leadership. Find small ways to practice leadership in your lives, and don’t be afraid to step up. Challenge for today: Buy flowers for a loved one on the way home.
Heritage Park Kettle Circuit
9 posted this morning for my first official site Q at Heritage.
Alexa, Hollywood, Hopps, Vibram, Woolly Bugger, Starlord, Goose, Combover and Singlet on Q
10 SSH
10 hr plyo merkins
Quick leg and shoulder stretch
Mosey to the bottom of the rollers for the go to kettle circuit. Pax split into 2 groups. 1s do kettle exercise while 2s run up the rollers and back. Flapjack roles. Exercises were as follows with turns on the battle rope thrown in at random.
-Mini push
-Triceps ext
-Sit up
-Upright row
-Shoulder press
-inchworm in place (no weight)
-RtW/Sack O potatoes
-Merkin variants (no weight)
-Seated twist
-Pass through lunge
Load weights in Alexa’s truck and “bi-curious crawl” (ask Hollywood) back up the rollers for COT
Base to Space and Worthington’s weekend are fast approaching. Check the site and FB for details.
Don’t underestimate the value of letting things go. Sing that s**t like Elsa if you have to.
Gents, it was a pleasure. Morning like this make me feel like I’m cheating life.