3 guys got after it on Field 5 on Friday. Slowly, we are getting the field back after the Hackathon.
PAX: Alexa, Schwinn (FNG), Thrift Shop (Q)
Warm-up: SSH (15), Merkins (15), Squats (15), Arm Circles, 1 lap around the fields
1. Two PAX perform AMRAP Incline Merkins while the third runs around the baseball diamond. All three take turns running.
2. Repeato with Dips as the exercise.
3. One HIM performs 10 Burpees while the other two perform AMRAP of an exercise. Take turns until all three have done Burpees twice. Exercises: Mountain Climbers (2 times), Lunges, Carolina Dry Docks, Plank Jacks, Merkins
6MOM: Flutters (15), New York Box Cutters (15), LBCs (30), Protractor
Words: Easy choices, hard life. Hard choices, easy life. Alexa described a great philosophy for life — choosing the easy path usually ends with having a more difficult life eventually (skipping school, poor diet, etc), but choosing the more difficult path usually results in an easier life (pursuing education, going the “extra mile” at work, exercise, etc). Great words to live by!
Thanks to Alexa and Schwinn for sticking with me for the workout!