PAX- SPAM, Hollywood, Hurley, Goats, Xbox, FSBO, Salsa, Worthington (Q)
We call this workout the “panty dropper”… You had to be there to understand
Warmups- SSH, MC’s, Merkins
Mosey to the patio- 10/20/30- Decline, Incline Dips. 10/20/30- Box Jumps, Step Ups, Bulgarian Split Squats
Mosey to the North Driveway Hill- FSBO calls out 10 Burpees at each Speed Bump to the top….
Top Parking Lot- Goats calls out 5 WW1’s at each Planter strip for a complete circuit of the top lot.
Mosey to Bear Crawl Canyon, crawl the canyon! Partner Up- Stairbarrow up the stairs and back down, flapjack and do it again!
Mosey to the Hill of Broken Dreams…. 2 minutes AMRAP up and downs. 4 reps was the max hit by several in the PAX!
Salmon Ladder- Hollywood calls out merkins ascending by 2 at each landing… That means a total of 72 Merkins up the ladder, a killer. Descending down the ladder starting at 16 squats, 72 squats at the bottom.
6MOM- 60 Count flutters (lots of complaining here…), 30 ct Russian twists, 30 ct LBC’s and finish it with the BroTractor!
A great workout a few takeaways: Salsa, Xbox and SPAM battle it out at the front. Stairbarrows are easier if your partner holds you at the knees, thanks Salsa! Hurley kept me inspired as he just kept at it! Hollywood kept the mood light and Goats got voluntold he will be VQ’ing next week!
WOW- Take the time to not just “logistically” talk with your spouse (schedules, talking about the kids, etc) and make sure you are discussing hopes, dreams, fears, i.e. the important and intimate stuff that builds real relationship.