F3 Woodinville: Tour de WHS

Tour de WHS:
3 HIMs exercised all around Woodinville High School (WHS) on a sunny hazy orange post-fireworks morning!

The PAX: Brady, Ping Pong, Salsa (Q)

Just before 5:29am’ish, Brady & I got to meet Ping Pong, just before he arrived we were discussing how many of the Woodinville F3 regulars (we missed ya! – FSBO, Goats, Hollywood, Hurley, Spam, Worthington, XBox) were probably either smart sacking from yesterday’s convergance workouts that took place (Tacoma & Krikland)! Or they are out of town or resting from staying out late from last night’s fireworks!

The Thang:

After quickly learning of Ping Pong’s background and this being his 1st time visit to this AO. I changed the type of workout to allow us to cover many of the various terrain and natural structures spread all around WHS (a tour of WHS) – Also, I wanted to be mindful of some issues PAX members had in terms of shoulder/wrist issues and I avoided any balls-to-the-walls related type of work this morning (as much as possible)…

Warmup with 20 SSH, 20 Air Squats, 20 Alternating Forward lunges in place, 20 little baby arm circles forward and then 20 bigger arm circles forward.

That definitely got the blood flowin’… did a quick 10 count… Good…. we then mosied to our first set of stairs just behind the baseball dugout…

(WOD: Workout Of the Day)

WOD#1: “stairs w/ burpees while others wait in a seated air chair position” x 2
Each round:
One of the PAX runs up 3 flights of stairs (stepping on each step) and then completes 5 Burpees at the top and then runs back down stepping on each step back to the fence line. And then swaps with the next PAX member inline.
The other PAX members sit in a seated chair position against the dugout fence holding a seated position until it is their turn…Our quads were definitely burning!

Repeato for a 2nd round!

Initially, I had visions of doing some Bernie Sanders next, but after that 2nd round, we got enough burn for now, ha ha!

we then mosied to the 400M track for our next WOD…

WOD#2: “4 Corners”
Run to the 1st corner, do 10 Burpees
Run to the 2nd corner, do 10 Captain Thors (kudos Brady!)
Run to the 3rd corner, do 10 Merkins (kudos Ping Pong), Ping Pong was inspired to use one of the smaller tires to make it an incline set of meekins and I did the same. Then he stated his interested in potentially doing some sled pull type of exercises just for fun! Maybe next time Ping Pong!
Run to the 4th corner and we did 10 jumping sumo squats.

We then mosied back up to the Salmon ladder area…

WOD#3: “Stairs & Lunges”
Go up each flight stairs and take each step and then on the flats forward lunge until you reach the the next flight of stairs and repeat until we reached the area where the path turns into a ramp up

WOD#4: “Bear Crawls”
We then Bear Crawled up to the corner of path where it started to turn right (about 150/200 ft in distance?)

Bradey was a trooper and modified with forward walking lunges, nice job brother!

…as the tour de WHS continued…

WOD#5: “Crabwalks”
We then did backward crabwalks all the way to area with the flagpoles (both Ping Pong and Brady modified to do backward walking lunges – nice job guys!)

As we were moseying across, I learned from Ping Pong how he enjoyed the Spartan races he did in Bangkok, Thailand. One of them that started at 12pm with 100+ Fahrenheit heat and high humidity, OMG!!!

From here I continued the “tour de WHS” with 10-20-30 WOD…

WOD#6: 10 Box Jumps, 20 Incline Merkins, 30 Decline Merkins

As needed, some of us modified the box jumps with step ups. Also, Brady modified his base position to complete incline and declines, inspiring brother!

After getting a 10 sec count, I then turned to our right and introduced Ping Pong to a Jacob’s ladder…

WOD#7: Jacob’s Ladder w/ Jumping Air Squats/Cotton Pickers

Run up the first 3 group of stairs, then do 6 Jumping air squats, then run back down and do 1 Cotton Picker, then 5-2, 4-3, etc… 1-6.

We then mosied down to “Bear Crawl Canyon”…

WOD#8: First half of the distance, forward walking lunges and then on the 2nd half of the distance backward walking lunges

Our quads were burning again, oh my!

With only about 5-6 minutes left, there was just enough time to squeeze in one more WOD for our tour, ha ha…

WOD#9: Sweedish Mile up the hill to the top of the parking lot.

Ping Pong and Brady definitely brought their A-Game this morning to push through as we each took turns jogging up hill!

Once at the top we did one more 10sec count and we mosied back to the covered area.


Ping Pong asked what do the 3 F’s in F3 represent? Brady and I responded “Fitness, Fellowship and Faith”

Ping Pong asked about PB&J, and I stated “Park, Beer and Jam”. I told him that F3 meets in the trail area behind the Chainline brewery in Kirkland. He might stop by tonight.

Check out www.f3pugetsound.com for all Q sign-ups, backblasts, and location information.


Brady mentioned how last week, when he was out of town, how easy it is when working out by yourself to not push yourself and back off. Working out with F3 makes him want to push harder when an exercise gets tough.

Ping Ping mentioned how he likes the commeraderie all of the F3 workouts he has attended. And he is potentially going to try to bring something like this to his area in Bangkok, Thailand when he gets back.

Great words guys!

Next week: Q is open for now.


Woodinville – Red inspired in honor of F3 Badger

8 Hims (many wearing something red in honor of F3 Badger)  posted on an overcast somewhat balmy morning for Woodinville!

PAX: Brady, Dry Dock, Goats, Hollywood, Hurley, Spam, XBox, Salsa (Q)

10 each of [SSH, Arm Circles: (Forward Small, Backward Small Forward Large, Backward Large), Merkins, Squats]

The Thang:
Mosey to football field. Many including myself were delightfully surprised by the toys on the playground (football and large tires)… So as a result being Q I decided to start off the next exercise with a Swedish Mile (running initially down the football field and then we transitioned to the track with the addition of the following: The person in the back runs up to the front with a football and then ‘tosses’ the football to the person behind them and then the next HIM in line does the same until it gets to the last person who then runs up front, eventually all 8 HIMs get the opportunity to do so. However, if anybody drops the football everyone drops and does 3 Burpees. If the football is dropped again, everyone does 6 Burpees, etc. etc.!!! Ball was dropped twice, so we each ended up doing 9 total….ha ha! Now I won’t say exactly which HIMs dropped the ball, but one’s name rhymes with Ham… and the other one rhymes with Fox… J

Next in honor of wearing red for our fallen brother F3 Badger, we did a Red Barchetta: Run 100 yards – 100 SSH – run back, run 75 yards – 75 Mountain Climbers then run back, run 50 yards – 50 LBCs – then run back, run 25 yards – 25 Merkins – then run back, run 10 yards – 10 Burpees – then run back, run 5 yards – 5 Jillian Michaels – then run back – Done.

After 10 count…and then the entire PAX each doing 9 Burpees each since the Q was trying to figure out what to do next (oi!)… we broke up into 4 groups of 2 HIMs and each group went to one of the 4 large tires on the field. For two rounds: Each round one HIM did 10 GHD situps while the other HIM did burpees, then Flip-Flop and Repeato.

Mosey to the covered area by the outside stairwell…seeing that the stairwell was wide enough for 2 HIMs to go up simultaneously and it had 3 landings, we broke up into 4 groups of 2. While one group of HIMs would go up the entire stairwell and then back down the first time, the remaining 6 HIMs will hold a seated chair position against the wall. Then on their 2nd time up and down, the remaining 6 HIMs will hold a Balls-to-the-Wall position, we did this 3 more times so all groups get to share in the experience! Of course leave it to those HIMs whose names rhyme with Ham and Fox to take their time up, then they get inspired to do 5 burpees at top? Then take their time down and then repeat….Oh my, my shoulders were burning on that 2nd time (thanks, I think!) LOL

With only 9 minutes left, using the outside stairwell as our cadence, each HIM got the chance to go up and down individually while the other would do an exercise called out by the ascending HIM…

1 Box Cutters
2 Flutters
3 Slow Bicycle Situps
4 World War Ones (then one HIM was inspired to add on a ‘Gas Attack’! ha ha)
5 Sumo Squats
6 ???
7 ???
8 Plank, Right Hand Up, Left Hand Up, Plank

–       Kenmore Log Boom Park tomorrow 5:30am – Opportunity to start earning one of the new patches to be offered for F3 PAX soon.
–       PB&J on the Eastside tonight
–       Base to Top Space Needle event coming up soon
–       Q next week will be FSBO, Q in two weeks will be XBox

WoW: It’s easy to get pulled into work, thinking about what is coming due soon and down the road. Then before you know it, you are no longer in the NOW and you start getting distracted and losing your focus on potentially other things happening around at that moment, be aware it if possible.

Woodinville – Q’d by Salsa: Jacob on the Salmon

“Jacob’s Ladder on the Salmon Ladder…”
8 guys got after it this morning in Woodinville (and it was relatively dry again!)

The PAX: SPAM, Goats, Magic, Hurley, Hollywood, XBox, Worthington, Salsa (Q)

The Thang:

Warmup with 20’s of…: SSH, Merkins, Squats, Sumo Squats. Then arms of pain 20 each of…: little baby arm circles forward and back, then medium circles forward and back, seal claps, arm raises. There was a warm burning sensation…. 🙂

Then we mosied to the outside seating eating area behind the cafeteria to continue the warmup and we completed the following: 10 Decline Merkins, 20 Incline Merkins, 30 Step Ups.

Now the really fun part…
“Jacob’s Ladder (JL) on the Salmon Ladder (SL)…”
I asked the Pax, what should we do at the top & Hollywood offered first “Burpees” (oh boy!, I thought), then I asked the Pax how about the bottom, then SPAM said let’s do burpees also (seriously?!), fortunately Worthington said we should have some variety, so then someone else said Jillian Michael’s (OMG!), all I could do was nervously chuckle and state at least it’s not burpees?!… So we did and we ran up to the railing 6 burpees & then back down 1 Jillian Michael, then 5-2, 4-3, etc. I asked for 10 count twice after that. :O

Then we mosied to the track…
And we did 4 corners once around the track, initially I thought 10 of something then 400M x 4, but after doing the JL on the SL…, 100M then 10 something x 4 was more agreeable to me, there was mubble chatter that it should have been a full lap instead quaters (ha ha). 1st corner: 10 Merkins, 2nd corner: 10 WW1s, 3rd corner: 10 Sumo Squats, 4th corner: 10 Burpees.

Then we mosied back the covered area…

Since we still had about 10+ min left, we finished with the following…

Balls-to-the-Wall 30 sec hold, then while still against the wall 30 mountain climbers. Next we did various portions of PYS…
30 Bicycle Situps, then 30 Flutters.
Protatractor: 30deg, 10deg, then protractor 30deg again, then scissors @30deg, Scissors @10deg

Then 60 sec plank, then each HIM would count down from 10 to 1 and lead a side plank hold and then we switched to the other side until all 8 of us each counted down once.

Then we were done! (Literally and figuratively for me personally, ha ha)

Bellevue Park led by XBox
Sat 7am
Workout Test AO
9am Q School
June 22-24 Worthington place Eastern Washington please if you will attend
PB&J Westside tonight in Seattle
PB&J Eastside tonight in Krikland

Check out www.f3pugetsound.com for all Q sign-ups, backblasts, and location information.

If you don’t rise to the occassion
Then you sink to the level of your training
Had a workout plan that hugged the building, threw it out once I saw that it was not raining…
“When in doubt ask the Pax”

Next week: Dig Dug has the Q. Spam is the backup Q.
