5/17/18 Gas Works PBJ is cancelled tonight. Further westside PBJ’s under review.
MOHAI Monday 5/7/18 “Always Compete”

The thang: (professionally laid out work out plan photos attached…not so much) After retrieving two sand bags, we raced to the start of the competition circle around the pond. The first exercise asked each person to take one sandbag around the pond – losing team did burpees. Then we got into the competitions where things got fun. Losers had to get wet.
First competition – military bag presses (first team to drop all the sandbags was the loser – they had to go get wet at the beach)
Second competition – squats with sandbags – loser gets wet
Third – Overhead tricep work with sandbags – loser gets wet
Fourth – Split squat jumps with sandbags – loser gets wet
Fifth – Lying Bag Presses with sandbags – loser does 10 burpees
We had some epic battles. Squid (if I remember) Vs. Stigmata was the first battle. And the main event was Lafluer vs Bangkok (we had to call it a tie because neither man was going to give in before he died)
We put the sandbags away and headed to the COT for 10 min of abs (see attached core list)
Announcements: workouts this week (5:30am) Wednesday at Space Needle; Thursday at MOHAI, Friday at Logboom Park in Kenmore; Saturday 7am at Gas Works
Words: (Borrowed from Darren Hardy from Success Magazine) Time is our most valuable, precious asset. We can spend our time or invest our time. Successful people invest their time. They look to make products, processes or people better. Other people choose to spend their time doing different activities without really getting any return on their time. Invest your time wisely. Don’t just spend your time. Invest your time in your family. Invest your time in your health. Invest your time in your friends. Invest your time in your higher power. Invest your time in your finances. Invest your time in your love life. Invest your time in your personal development. Don’t just spend your time, drifting through time.
Oh, and if anyone can get me a lunch/coffee with Pete Carroll, you’d help me check off another bucket list item on my 110 things in life I want to do.