Redmond Campus Birthday

OTB Redmond Campus, birthday 3/30/2018
PAX: Goats, Thriftshop, FNG Little Dog, Xbox (Q), Dig Dug, FNG Naal, Amazon, and FNG Upstate on camera

Jog around soccer field, 10 IC Cotton Pickers, Good Mornings, Windmills, & Merkins. 15 IC Arm circles and flapjack.

Dora 1-2-3 (Merkins, Squats, LBCs)
4 Corners
– Round 1: Home 30 Sumo Squats, visitors Burpees
– Round 2: Home 30 WW1 Sit-ups, visitors Lunges
– Round 3: Home 20 American Hammers, visitors Carolina Dry Docks

Three FNGs on the birthday. I’m walking around shop in my workout clothes and have wrestled up another easy 6 FNGs for next week… could grow fast.

Ball-of-Man with WoW: my wife gave me a hard time last evening saying I gave her an “emotional headlock (her words)” when I told her one of my super powers was her cooking: attempting to encourage with my gratitude. We had a rough night with the kids and she was tired, so all she heard was “so you want me to cook for you every night!!!!!!” Given fatigue it overwhelmed her. The wisdom lies in my non-defensive response, even though I steamed internally. She IS absolutely appreciative of my encouragement, but because of her abnormal fatigue state, it had a negative affect. When you get an unusual response from someone, not steam like I did, but instead look at the situation to understand what might be affecting the person, causing them to react that way.

Lots of opportunity here gentlemen…come join the fun…and as always, thank you for the opportunity to lead. Peace!

Down to Four

Defiance was five strong this morning. Lunger, DDT and Flipper met at 0530 to ruck through the park. Frenchy and Garfield met us at 0700 to start the workout. Flipper needed to leave so there were four for the workout.

The Thang
50 yardish run for Partner 1
Meanwhile Partner 2 starts on 50 burpees
Partners trade until the 50 is completed.
Then it’s 100 overhead hand claps, 150 pushups, 200 situps and 250 squats. Oh, that last one burns.

Then it’s four stations: flutters, Capitals, sandbag curls and sandbag sumo dead squats. 10 reps, 3 rounds. Bear crawl, crab walk or broad jump between stations.

Workout complete

The fellowship of this group is vital and keeps us motivated and encourages us to be here each workout.

Breakfast at Cole’s. The French toast special looked excellent.


F3 Family Weekend 2018

F3 Family Weekend


To gather F3 Families together to build community: allowing our spouses and children to feel the direct impact of F3 from the men in their lives.

Event Q: Worthington

Location: Richland, WA

Dates: June 22nd-24th

Proposed Schedule of Events:

Friday June 22nd-

5-7pm- Open Arrivals
• Check into Hotels
• Set up camp

7-10pm- Casual Evening Gathering as people arrive at Worthington’s house

Saturday June 23rd-

7:00-8:00 am F3 Workout/Bootcamp at Badger Mountain Park

8:15-9:00 Coffeeteria at Roasters-Richland, WA

9:00-10:00 Break to get ready, gather up families

10:00-2:00- Women’s Afternoon off- My wife will arrange an afternoon including farmers market, tours of the riverfront, Lunch: basic relaxing WITHOUT kids

10:00-12:00 F3 Dads are on kid duty. Games and play at Howard Amon Park

12:00-4:00 Pool Party and BBQ Lunch at my house

2:00- Wives arrive back and join the fun

4:00-6:00 Family down time, feed kids dinner, etc.

6:00-When Parents Return- Kids Zone/Babysitting at Worthington’s house (I will have my High School daughter and as many of her friends as needed to watch kids at our house. Movies, games, fun, etc. My mother-in-law will be there to be the “adult” in case there is any emergency or issues)

6:00- 10:00PM Adults Night out/Parents Date Night-. I was thinking we could charter a Wine Tour Bus and take tour of several wineries, do wine tasting, dinner, etc. I have several friends that own wineries so we could get private tours and arrange a dinner.

10PM Pickup kids and head to Hotel/Camping, etc..


7:00-8:00 am- F3 Dads workout at Howard Amon Park

9:00-10:00 Women’s hike Badger Mt Park

9:00-10:00 Dads gather up kids, check out of hotel, etc…

10am-whenver people need to depart- casual pool party/BBQ at Worthington’s


• If there is an interest I can reserve a block of rooms and get a group rate at one of our local hotels. I need to do this soon as there is a large event in town this weekend so Hotels are filling up.
• I want to make sure budget is not a reason for anyone not to come, so I would welcome any families that want to camp they would be welcome to camp in my yard. The only caveat is my wife would be concerned if they have small children since we have a pool. We do have one guest room and a basement if a family with littles want that. I also made sure almost all the events are fee with exception of the wine tour/dinner.


Richland is ~200 miles from Kirkland due East on I-90 until you cross the Columbia River at Vantage, then due south for 1 hour. Without stops it takes 3 hours, with small kids and bathroom breaks plan on 3.5-4 hours.

Elroy’s tire experiment v2

3/31 Gas Works Park

The Lucky 13: Falcon, Dylan, Talent, Rockies, Applebee’s, Dunder, Mifflin, Meet-up, Journey, Elroy (Q), Dink, Bangkok, Headhunter (FNG)

The Thang: 2nd and improved iteration of Elroy’s tire experiment: Mix of Swedish tire run, tire burpees, tire wall sits, tire power squat presses, pike plank rallies, tire overhead sprints, bear crawls up the hill, balls to wall, 7MoM.

– Ruck event next week
– Worthington’s family outing, June 22 weekend
– Kojak is leading others in building out spiritual 3rd F, watch this space… or jump in to help form it!

Thank you PAX today and F3 for this opportunity to lead. Q a workout if you haven’t — it’s a great gift!
– Elroy


3/31 KIMS
25 men got out of the fartsack to improve themselves and those around them.

PAX: Rivet, The Dude, Maybe, Spam, Simmons(FNG), Spotlight, Razr, JarJar(FNG), FSBO, Wolf, Kojak, AC/DC, Pink Slip, Salsa, Hollywood, Guero, MASH, Buckeye, AP, Olaf(FNG), Fossil, Xbox, Blue, Dilfur, Digdug(Q)

The Thang:
x30 SSH, x12 Cotton Pickers, x12 Sit-Stands, x12 Windmills, x12 Hands up, Ass Downs

Mosey around track to an innocent looking shed…

Partner up, tall guys find a short guy.

POP QUIZ – “What’s a coupon Xbox?”
Doesn’t know. 5 Burpees.

“What’s a coupon, Salsa?”
Doesn’t know. 5 Burpees.

“What’s a coupon, FSBO?”
Decent answer, but not the official GRT term. 5 Burpees.

Digdug provides PAX answer so the workout can continue.

Tall guys retrieve coupons.

Digdug explains next exercise poorly, with a lot of changing of numbers. Mass confusion ensues.

P1 walks with coupon around track, P2 performs exercise. P2 catches P1 and flapjacks, adding to the count performed by P1.

X50 Burpees
X100 Overhand Claps
X150 Merkins
X200 Squats

P1 planks, P2 x15 overhead press with coupon. Flapjack. Repeato for left side plank, right side plank.

Circle up. BEAR TRAIN! Perform one full counter-clockwise circle walk of bear crawl. Reverse direction and crab walk.

x15 flutter.

Q declares end of workout. SPAM notifies Q of 4 minutes remaining ….

In rapid fire sequence, x15 Roselittas, x15 Dollies, x15 Upstate Box Cutter, x15 American Hammers

3rd F meetings 6:00 AM KiMS Saturdays
New Test AO – Microsoft, 11:30 AM Fridays, Field 5

Ball of Man – Practical Tactics and Hard Won Lessons from DigDug – Mix into your First F routine stretching and soft-tissue work. Meet yourself where you are with your fitness. It’s not a sprint, it’s a life-long quest for fitness. Consistency over time and guarding against injury is paramount. Do the unsexy work of matching the workout yang with the stretching yin.