MOHAI Backblast June 14th 2018-APFT

The MOHAI regulars fartsacked and hid like little girls when confronted with the challenge of testing their fitness with an Army Physical Fitness Test (APFT).

PAX: Meetup, Worthington (Q)

Warmups: SSH, Merkins, Walking lunges, running high knees, running butt kickers


2-mile timed run: Meet up CRUSHED it with a 13:39 and I was the six with a 14:24…

2 minutes AMRAP Pushups

2 minutes AMRAP Sit Ups

30 count step ups, 20 count dips then mosey for 6 MOM.

6MOM: obliques, russian twists, flutters, slow bicycles and WW1’s.

Quotes for the Day: “If you want to be a faster runner, run with faster men…”- Jason Silverstein- OG F3PNW Nantan

I was disappointed in my score, let down by a weak showing on my part on the sit-ups and push ups, I vow to do better!

Woodinville May 10th BackBlast

PAX- SPAM, Hollywood, Hurley, Goats, Xbox, FSBO, Salsa, Worthington (Q)

We call this workout the “panty dropper”… You had to be there to understand

Warmups- SSH, MC’s, Merkins

Mosey to the patio- 10/20/30- Decline, Incline Dips. 10/20/30- Box Jumps, Step Ups, Bulgarian Split Squats

Mosey to the North Driveway Hill- FSBO calls out 10 Burpees at each Speed Bump to the top….

Top Parking Lot- Goats calls out 5 WW1’s at each Planter strip for a complete circuit of the top lot.

Mosey to Bear Crawl Canyon, crawl the canyon! Partner Up- Stairbarrow up the stairs and back down, flapjack and do it again!

Mosey to the Hill of Broken Dreams…. 2 minutes AMRAP up and downs. 4 reps was the max hit by several in the PAX!

Salmon Ladder- Hollywood calls out merkins ascending by 2 at each landing… That means a total of 72 Merkins up the ladder, a killer. Descending down the ladder starting at 16 squats, 72 squats at the bottom.

6MOM- 60 Count flutters (lots of complaining here…), 30 ct Russian twists, 30 ct LBC’s and finish it with the BroTractor!

A great workout a few takeaways: Salsa, Xbox and SPAM battle it out at the front. Stairbarrows are easier if your partner holds you at the knees, thanks Salsa! Hurley kept me inspired as he just kept at it! Hollywood kept the mood light and Goats got voluntold he will be VQ’ing next week!

WOW- Take the time to not just “logistically” talk with your spouse (schedules, talking about the kids, etc) and make sure you are discussing hopes, dreams, fears, i.e. the important and intimate stuff that builds real relationship.

Space Needle- Worthington VQ Beatdown

12 HIM got after it this am at “The Needle”
Q- Worthington-This was both my SNFT (Space Needle First Time) and my SNVQ (Space Needle Virgin Q)… After this workout I may not be invited back…
PAX: Wooly Bugger, Gecko, Talent, 529’er, Dig Dug, Yard Sale, Hurley, Bankok, Squid, Spellcheck, Meet Up
Warm Ups: SSH, Squats, Mountain Climbers, Merkins
Initial Announcements- I didn’t want my VQ to be too hard on the PAX so I told them no planking if they finish early, but to take a “Seat”…. Air Chair at every break, 10 burpee penalty for standing…
The Thang- Mosey to the “lid”, they call it the stage, I’m sticking with the “lid”. It’s a memorial workout:
In Honor of Myself: Partner Wheelbarrow the steps, run the lid, wheelbarrow down, airchair wait on the six.
In Honor of Alright, Alright, Alright (Kishore Alright): run the steps, lunge walk the lid, stairs, airchair wait on the six.
In Honor of Drama (Jake Thomas): run the stairs, 10 burpees at each landing, airchair wait on the six.
In Honor of AP (Jason Silverstein) run the stairs, bear crawl the lid, airchair wait on the six.
In Honor of Gecko (Scott Gekko) run the stairs, balls to the wall 30 seconds slow count, airchair wait on the six.
In Honor of Squid (Layton Miller) run the stairs, balls to the walls mountain climbers, airchair wait on the six.
And Because this was all backwards, run it all in reverse, for the PAX in the front 10 Merkins at each landing (F3 guys don’t give up, every guy must have thought they were at the front as each stepped up to the Merkin Challenge!), airchair wait on the six.
Mosey to the flag for 3MOM: 20 count LBC and 60 count flutters(lots of moaning on this one…).
Great group of guys, lots of mumblechatter and the teamwork with the Six was inspiring!
Announcements: Bellevue Park Sat workout and Q school afterwards, Family Weekend June 21st: Check Facebook for both.
WOW: I shared the value of F3 and specifically the 2nd F as I was blessed to have a fellow F3 Brother (Mike Dig Dug) pay me a visit in Richland and our families got to spend some time together and we got in an OTB workout. Reach out to your fellow PAX!