We Conquered Cindy

13 HIM’s emerged from the gloom to start their week with some quality time with Cindy and her little friends the 60lb sandbag and the 45 lb kettlebell.

PAX: Dilfur, Magic, MASH, Jar Jar, Singlet, FSBO, Dial-Up, Drama, Xbox, Spot Light, Dry Dock, Dig Dug(Q), ???


CoP: SSH, Cotton Pickers, Arm Circles, Pretzels, Dubs, Hands-up Squat

Weights were carried to all locations. Even though it weighed less, the Kettlebell won MVP.

Mosey to Tennis Courts. Partner up. P1 balls to the wall, P2 sprint length of the courts and back. Flapjack. Repeato x3.

Form teams of 3. P1 & P2 hand-slap merksin, P3 run half the court, x10 squats. Rotate until everyone has done squats.

Mosey to playground.

AMRAP Cindy(5 Pullups, 10 Merkins, 20 Squats = 1 round) while two men walk/run a circuit carrying weights. Continue until everyone has carried weight.

6MOM – Continue rotation of weight carrying. Those carrying the weight call out the exercise for the PAX … Flutters, ABC’s, LBC’s.


Great to see Magic & Dial-up out! Welcome back, Kotters.

Drama and XBox looking snazzy with their new haircuts.

Dilfur’s style of carrying the Kettlebell is a unique.

Xbox complaining about his “Quads being smoked before we even started” may have been the highlight of my morning.


New Saturday Workouts being Tested – Heritage Park & Bellevue
OTB Ruck on Friday’s with MASH and 7-Layer


From Dilfur: “You’ve got to get dirty to be clean”

What this means to Dilfur is that no progress our outcomes come without sacrifice. Choose well, choose wisely.

We then retired to coffeeteria.


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